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Well Kept Secrets Beginner Bloggers Need To Know

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brown and white cat on brown wooden shelf

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As a beginner blogger, there are plenty things you’ll just have to figure out on your own as you polish your new skill – blogging.

The truth is, it’s not so bad learning as you go along. That way, you get to experience lessons first hand and appreciate the hard work that goes into this job.

Certainly, there are opportunities to learn from others in the blogging circle. Each blogger who offers advice and tips on how to start a blog and make it a successful one, will surely have some impact.

This is largely because more and more persons are seriously considering joining the blogging industry and will clutch onto all the insights they can get.

As a result, an open market exists for experienced bloggers to market their “getting started” ideas to beginners. Due to the demand for this information, a lot of it is repeated on many different sites.

There’s nothing wrong with this because beginners actually benefit from the information and some persons who were initially unsure – become more confident and start their blogs.

Besides, each blogger has a different audience – to some extent.

Nonetheless, no matter how much information you get on how to start a profitable blog, there are 5 secrets that seem to be very well kept! And they can surely help to make your blog profitable! What are they?

woman whispering on woman's ear while hands on lips

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Now, let’s get to it!
Well Kept Secrets Beginner Bloggers Need to Know…

Shhh… #1: You are a target, don’t stay latched onto the hook

As mentioned before, there is an open and lucrative market for content geared toward beginner bloggers.

So much so, that you may easily continue to consume that content month after month – hardly out growing the “beginner blogger” stage.

Generally speaking, there isn’t a set time frame as to when a beginner blogger crosses over into the experienced blogger status.

Consequently, you may be tempted to consider yourself a beginner for months!

Chiefly because you may not feel knowledgeable about all the interesting headlines geared towards you. And may not be seeing the desired success right away.

woman in black long sleeve shirt using macbook

Let’s Be Real

You need to condition your mind to learn as much as you need to start.

Subsequently, you will have your blog live and ready to welcome your visitors. You will never know everything. No blogger does.

So, of course, don’t be afraid, ashamed or even hard on yourself for constantly clicking on headlines that promises you all the “how tos” that will skyrocket your blog to success.

Here’s the Best Part

These headlines about how to earn from affiliate marketing, how to triple your blog traffic, how to make money blogging, etc. will always be appealing to you.

Largely because, no matter which stage of blogging you are, you still want to increase sales, traffic and success. Even if it means skimming through to find a trace of a new idea!

However, don’t stay hooked to this content to the detriment of your very own content.

These intriguing headlines are great at pulling even experienced bloggers in! That’s the power of a good headline. Plus, they are relatable and desirous. So they will maintain their power.

What You Should Do

Deliberately seek information you need in order to work on your very own blog. Avoid binge reading and creating fantasies of your blog in your head. When you get the gist, GO PUT THE INFORMATION TO WORK ON YOUR OWN SITE.

This leads me to the next well kept secret.

Shhh… #2: Many Bloggers Teach as They Learn… You can too!

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To some, this isn’t so obvious. You see, it is easy to think that you have to be highly successful as a blogger before you can begin teaching others what you have learnt.

Similarly, you may fall victim to believing that no one will read your content because you are a “beginner” yourself. That’s not true.

For this reason, many bloggers miss out on opportunities to compose content that would be truly relatable and helpful.

Comparatively, you may not be interested in blogging about blogging nor teaching others how to start their own blogs. Maybe your audience isn’t interested in that. I get it, and that is completely understandable.

Nonetheless, for those persons who have an inkling to one day share content on these topics – you can start now!

Think about it, you started your blog, then surely you have an idea of the step-by-step guide to starting a blog. So then, you have first hand experience and can write content teaching others how to start their blogs!

You don’t have to have a massive audience. People will search high and low for information they need. Especially if they are serious about getting this information.

Make sure of this

While you are composing content geared towards beginner bloggers, make sure you do not cheat them out of good content. Take time to plan, prepare and publish quality insights.

person holding pencil writing on notebook

The truth is, they are susceptible to crafty headlines and sometimes desperate for good guidance.

As a result, you’ll be doing right to provide quality, truthful content that they can grow from. They may even stick around as loyal. audience, sharing, liking and commenting on your content as a show of their appreciation.

If that is you right now, I would very much appreciate it if you could like, share, comment or even subscribe! 🙂

I was so happy when someone I had a genuine conversation with – about being intentional about growing, left a comment on one of my posts.

Shhh… #3: Many Systems are Automated

Some days you will have the energy to do all things blogging. Creating beautiful graphics to help with marketing your site, scheduling social media posts, publishing content, keeping your subscribers engaged etc.

Contrastingly, other days may not find you so full of urge. Still, your presence as a blogger still needs to be felt.

Especially as it concerns keeping your investment (website) up to date.

This is where automation comes in!

Many welcome messages, seemingly real time emails and posts are automated. Meaning they are created and scheduled before the present time.

black and white robot toy on red wooden table

You still have to put in the work though

Ultimately, you still have to put in the work. If there is no message created, no posts scheduled – then there is nothing to automate.

However, this helps to make the process and upkeep of blogging more seamless. It’s nice knowing that your subscribers/audience are well taken care of even in moments when you are occupied, having some down time or even working on something else.

This doesn’t mean that those heart felt messages are untrue. They are in fact true. As I use automation with some of my emails – it is imperative to point out that I mean every heart felt message.

It’s just a matter of eliminating wait time and having a system that works even when you do not.

So, don’t beat yourself up when you see other sites spewing emails, pins, posts and follow ups while you are taking your time.

Learn more on how to automate some of your systems and you will experience that joy too.

Please, please, please, remember to share this post with a friend or even like or comment to let me know you appreciate this post. Thank you so much in advance.

Shhh… #4: Internal Linking is a Powerful Tool… use it up

All bloggers want their page views to increase. The beautiful thing about this is that one visitor can contribute to dozens of page views!

Imagine having dozens of visitors viewing multiple pages. That would be great! We all want that. That’s why, internal linking is such a powerhouse.

I discuss this more in the FREE 7 days Blogging Tips and Tools email series. Be sure to sign up before you leave.

Shhh… #5: Keep Refreshing Your Content

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I hope you will agree with me that with each post you get better at blogging. When you just start out, you may not be familiar with everything on your dashboard or all the enhancing tools you can use on you blog.

Nonetheless, with practice… creating and publishing becomes more fun and interesting.

Therefore, you can always re -visit old posts to add new things you have learnt to them.

Similarly, you can re-visit to check for grammar and punctuation errors as well as to add internal links.

They need attention

This is important, because as you grow, you want to take your older posts with you too. Don’t take it for granted that they do not need attention. Sometimes, it’s the older posts that get a lot of visits.

As a result, you want to ensure you do not neglect them. Set aside some time to inspect your older posts, add new found techniques to them and promote them more too.

You will be glad you did. Plus, reading something you wrote a while back could give you more ideas or even encourage you to keep growing!

There you have it!
(5) Well Kept Secrets Beginner Bloggers Need to Know.

Did you enjoy this post?

Which secret did you already know?

Better question, which secret have you implemented in your own blogging journey?

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