Turning 27 Birthday feet in pink open toe heels on mat that says dream big.

Turning 27 – The Best Growth Highlights in the Past Year + on the Day!

Turning 27 Birthday feet in pink open toe heels on mat that says dream big.

Woke up, and suddenly I’m a new age! And you know what the best part is? I woke up with so many of my dreams incorporated into my reality! That’s what persistence, resilience and discipline gets you. Over the years, I’ve committed to personal growth and development, and being intentional about unlocking new milestones; seeing setbacks as stepping stones; and learning to keep going – even when my back is against a rock and a hard place. I’ve had many of those hard experiences, and I verily believe, they’ve positioned me for the next best years of my life, starting with age 27. Here are some of the best growth highlights in the past year.

Related Post: Birthday Letter to Self and Solo Lunch at 26 years old

Birthday 27 – Law School Enrollment

If you’re familiar with the blog, then you’ll know that I had to take two years leave of absence from my studies when I was reading for my Law Degree. This resulted in a later than predicted graduation date. This is something I’ve written about before, so I won’t bother going over it here. You can always read this to get up to speed.

Norman Manley Law School Jamaica
Legal Aid Clinic Jamaica
Turning 27
Norman Manley Law School (Gibraltar Hall Road) Photo taken by me on one of my trips to school.

So yes, one of the qualifications for ‘law school’ is to have a Law Degree. With this degree in hand, I applied and was accepted to the two year program at Norman Manley Law School in Jamaica. Here, students prepare for their Certificate of Legal Education (CLE) which qualifies them to become licensed to practice law. In the introduction to this article, I spoke about stepping stones, and learning to keep going when the going gets tough. That’s exactly what I did after earning the Law Degree, since I waited another year – before enrolling at Norman Manley Law School. It was tough times financially, but when you have dreams and goals – you must plan to execute and stand up after each fall.

Now, at 27 years old, I’m happy that I enrolled and that is a highlight I’m proud to share. Especially with those persons who constantly doubt their urge to resume studies, get certified, up-skill or even continue a goal they’ve put off for a long time. Once the challenges you face are within your control, try your best to control them – care not how long it takes or how long ago you should have done it.

Turning 27 – Turning Heads, with my Silk Press

I changed my hair, but I didn’t change up my mind (que Meghan Trainer ‘Nice to Meet You’). For the first time ever – I finally did something to my hair. You know, outside of the usual 3 styles I rely on year in, year out with my natural hair.

Photo of me on my birthday (I know, I know, I could have smiled)

This highlight reminds me of the value of change. Change is terrifying. Somehow, plenty humans rely of the constants in their lives for comfort. We tend to thrive on the known and get terrified about the unknown.

I am of the view, that some things in life require shifts and changes. That sometimes, surprising people by stepping out of the box is necessary and overall – the best changes start from the ‘head’. After two years of dreaming of this silk press and being worried about who’s care to trust my hair in – I decided to visit Adam and Eve Day Spa (56 Old Hope Road, Kingston Jamaica).

Adam and Eve Day Spa
Turning 27
Silk Press
Adam and Eve Day Spa (At the counter) Photo taken by me as I sat in the waiting area.

Before getting that silk press, two thoughts permeated my mind… (1) I wonder if the hairdresser will do it well (2) I wonder if I’ll like it. Never did I wonder if I really wanted to get it done. It reminded me, that often times we talk ourselves out of dreams and goals we truly desire.

Why though? Fear? Uncertainty?

The moment, we become convinced that there is something we truly want to do, is the moment when we should start making preparations to get it done – and just do it. There are too many unaccomplished plans due to fear.

Products for silk press
Turning 27
A few of the products used for the silk press (leave in conditioner, heat protector etc.)

Birthday 27 – Impacting the Future Now

I’m one of those persons who wanted to be a whole lot of things ‘when I grow up’, and while being a Teacher was one of them, I didn’t know I would encounter it so soon, let alone for so long. On my 27th birthday, the school year came to an end and I would have been teaching for two full academic years now.

I’ve had the great privilege of teaching students who are now in university; students now off to university; students off to the world of work and those going to a new grade in the coming school year. Two years of being a high school teacher at an all boys’ school has taught me a lot. I’ve also been re-assured that our future men, are certainly gentlemen and leaders and for that I’m proud.

Turning 27 – When’s the next hosting gig?

Wedding reception emcee
Photo of Fiona – Wedding Reception Emcee

It’s no secret that I love public speaking. It’s ironic though that I do not like being in the spotlight yet I don’t mind being an emcee at ceremonies/events.

In this post about operating in your strength zone, I mentioned that success derives from honing your skills and operating in the zones of your strength. I suppose that’s what I’ve been doing one event/ceremony at a time. The more I ‘host’ the more I’m requested to host. It makes me wonder, how many other persons are skilled in areas that they somehow have anxiety about? Do they make the anxiety win over showcasing/utilizing that skill?

Photo of Fiona and co-host (Moderators at a Graduation Ceremony)

As much as I prefer not to be on stage or in the spot light, I love the craft and people request that craft and sometimes I volunteer. Life comes with tradeoffs, you have to give up somethings to attain others. So, I’ve given up the reluctance to appear on stage on in the spotlight, so that I can do the very thing I love so much and do so well.

Related Post: First Time Being paid to Host

Turning 27 – My Alma Mater has My Heart

I love my past school, Camperdown High School. So many of my leadership potentials blossomed there. It was my avenue for growth and development.

Whenever I am invited back there to assist in programs or as a guest, it’s usually a proud and humbling time for me. I am always so eager to give back to my school – so much has been poured into me.

In April of 2024, I was invited as guest speaker at the 5th form school leaving ceremony. This could easily pass as one of the best highlights.

Photo of Fiona with Camperdown High school Students

Our children have a whole lot to learn, experience and endure. They have so much potential. The more mentors and positive role models they have, the better. That’s why its so important that we keep working on ourselves – to help meet the challenges and demands of our future.

Birthday 27 – In Hindsight, I’ve Been Staying true to My Commitment to personal Growth and Development and Helping Others Root for Growth

Rear view mirror
Rear View (A glimpse of the Yallahs Ponds and sea)

I am grateful for life and the opportunities each new dawn presents. In the moments when life’s challenges greet us, we may not yet know, how beautiful the bigger picture will be.

With time and patience, with discipline and decorum, with persistence and resilience, with grit and grace – we live to see yet another birthday and recount wonderful highlights.

Cheers to 27

Birthday Gift to self – A blank canvas, paints and paint brushes

Like this canvas I got my self for my birthday, the days in the year ahead are blank to my knowledge – since we know not what the future holds. Yet, I hope to be inspired, motivated and optimistic in every streak I draw with those brushes. I commit to continue painting my life in a way that is conducive to growth and development.

Cheers to 27.


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