man in green button up shirt standing beside woman in brown uniform

Things to Look Out For on Your Growth Journey

man in green button up shirt standing beside woman in brown uniform

Sometimes our growth journey takes us uphill, and sometimes it takes us downhill. Each direction comes with its own challenges and obstacles.

Certainly, we won’t always be aware of the challenges nor the obstacles on our path.

Nonetheless, there are known, sometimes inevitable challenges lurking along the way. To not be aware of them is as inimical as not getting past them.

This post outlines the Things to Look Out for on Your Growth Journey and what to do if they are encountered.

four person hiking on mountain hill during daytime
Anthony Da Cruz

Making Hard Decisions on your Growth Journey

Tough times call for tough decisions, and our growth journey is lined with both.

Being confronted with tough decisions is an indication that life is not at a stand still! And that’s great!

However, the decisions we make can contribute to good growth or stunted growth on our growth journey.

Making hard decisions is a byproduct of being faced with competing choices. On the one hand, we may feel fearful of the repercussions of our choices, while on the other hand, we may feel numb from the uncertainty and the unknown.

white red and green wooden street sign
Alexander Schimmeck

That’s what make tough decisions – hard to make. Saying tough times and tough decisions are common, may not help matters right now but believe it or not – its something to be on the look out for on our growth journey.

Luckily, there are some guide posts, things like cultivating a growth mindset and conditioning self to make healthy trade-offs.

Look out for Setbacks/Disappointments on your Growth Journey

As noted here, setbacks are inevitable. Things don’t always go exactly as planned. That’s when disappointment sets in.

woman planking on the grass

Certainly, feeling sad about a setback is normal and doesn’t make us any less deserving of our full and truest potential.

As a matter of fact, many times, its the setbacks and disappointments that act as the fuel to start working towards a comeback.

No matter how careful, ambitious and growth oriented people are – disappointments do happen. Even Oprah Winfrey points out, that setbacks help us grow into what we want to be and you should definitely look out for them on your growth journey.

How to Comeback from Setbacks shares tips on how you can do exactly that – comeback from setbacks.

Limiting Beliefs are on your Growth Journey

There’s this story about a slave, actually, there were many other slaves, gathered to be sold.

However, one in particular had a certain confidence and pride about him. He walked tall and was an obvious stand out. The purchaser noticed him and though he looked different from the rest.

The purchaser enquired about him and later learnt that he was the son of the king of the village he was taken from. That slave was a prince!

So too, we ought to value our selves to the highest degree that no matter what circumstances we find our self in, we will walk with value and good self esteem.

One need not come from a golden family nor have the most pristine things in life to hold themselves to a certain standard and shut out the limiting beliefs that may surface as a result of the current reality or circumstances.

Limiting beliefs will surface and there are people who will fuel them – but you shouldn’t dwell on them.

The slave whose father is a king – knew of his value and held his confidence even though, in the eyes of others, he was diminished to a slave.

He harboured no limiting beliefs within – and it manifested on the outside.

Speak life and value to yourself. Walk with your head held high and that confidence about you. Even if you aren’t from a royal family a royal family can come from you.

Look out for the “I’m Too Old Now” syndrome

Betty White, sometimes referred to as The First Lady of Television was an amazing actress who loved animals, life and fun!

By leading through example, White taught women that instead of hiding and fighting their age, they should embrace it wholeheartedly and use their experiences to their advantages.


This message rings true for men and women alike. Especially when it comes on to enhancing growth and reaching ones truest and full potential.

You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream.

C. S. Lewis

Whenever you feel the “I’m too old now” voice creeping up on you – brush it off with the “if not now -when?” voice.

So long as there is life, there is hope and time, to be who you’ve always wanted. Don’t let age get in the way of going after your hopes and dreams.

Five years from now, you’ll be five years older – whether you go for that goal or not. Would you rather be five years older without that goal, or five years older with that goal!?

Your Unique Timing

three brown framed white analog wall clocks hanging by wall
Andrew Seaman

Precisely, timing is everything. And everything has its unique timing.

Just as everyone’s growth journey and experiences are different – so too is their the milestones, achievements and successes.

In essence, be on the look out for your unique timing on your growth journey. Sometimes, the turnaround time you anticipate will not be forthcoming and other times amazing things may happen sooner than you expected.

Whenever the accuracy of your desired timing is off, just remember that your timing is unique and when the time does arrive, you’ll see how truly unique it is.

Trust the timing of everything. Just because its not happening now doesn’t mean it never will.


Growth Conducive People & Environments

This one cannot be overemphasized. It is something you should seek out.

Be on the look out for growth conducive people and environments– and stay close to them. Allow your growth journey and values to be penetrated and influenced only by those people and environments who are healthy for your growth.

While it is true that good things take some time to come by – it is also true that if you direct your energy and effort to those things, they’ll get closer to your reach.

Be intentional about looking out for good growing environments, where your value and potential is acknowledged and people aren’t opposed to your growth.

Good growing environments and people, also acknowledge that if and whenever you fail- its a grand chance to learn, grow and try again.

What other things have you encountered on your growth journey?

Feel free to share in the comments to let other readers know some crucial things to be on the look out for.


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