cairn stones and body of water in distance

The Simple Truth About My Zen Aura

cairn stones and body of water in distance

To be zen requires sanity. The type of sanity that allows you to muster your courage and grace the world as though all is well. Although, nothing is ever all well, where we mortals are concerned. Yet still, there is a sense of control that you feel, as you go through your day, relying on stillness, the pauses, the pace of your own realities to guide you. But what is zen anyway? And how does one become it? Should they even want to be such a thing?

What it means to be Zen

Zen describes a feeling of peace. A state of calm attentiveness, where your actions are guided by your intuition rather than by conscious efforts. Its almost like, repelling chaos and stress (even in the simple things like use of words, tone and taste in music, decisions to let go instead of being dragged) and taking on instead, tranquility and valuing inner peace.

Demand that Your Demands be Quieted

Look around you. Check the time. What about the progress of your to-do-list? Have you seen the fluster on everyone’s faces? They too have a whole lot crumbling down and they’re standing under that weight. Everybody’s busy. They have somewhere to get to. A multitude of things to do. Deadlines to meet. Red lights to beat. Somebody to impress. Shopping for gifts for the guests. Plenty demands. Oh boy, this already sounds like stress.

At some point, all this will turn into chaos, anxiety even. Then, an aura of stress and burden will overshadow your tranquil glow. Literally.

I strive to curb this, by demanding my demands to be quiet. I can almost ‘hear’ the noise of chaos and stress. It’s deafening. I don’t like it. The sooner this is quieted and ultimately erased from my disposition – the sooner I am able to be engulfed by an aura of zen. That, I like. A state of serenity, sealed by the simplicity – of deciding to take on this appeal.

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Zen: Nothing’s more Important than my Peace of Mind

The world is a stage. Life is one grand show. Except there are no rehearsals. You have to take the applauses and the rotten tomatoes as you go. Yet still, as the actors, we play many roles. It’s quite easy for these roles to compete for our time and energy. For our attention and peace. Yet still, to me all are abased except my inner peace. Having peace of mind empowers me to do all else – well.

Look for me Where it is Zen

The simple truth about my aura of zen, is that I take my zen with me. And since I take it with me, wherever I am, it will be zen. Not the physical place nor the people around me -rather the moment in time, that is mine. Does that make zense? 🙂

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Let me explain, If you go where it is zen, when it is zen, and you take no zen, you’re going to have a hard time exuding zen or even finding zen.

For me, zen isn’t something you find or go in search of. Its something you create. Whether by eliminating certain features of your life or by adding certain features to your life. Think of peace of mind and inner peace. You have to create it. Intentionally.

Think about mindfulness instead of mind fullness. In the first there is peace. In the second there is no ease, instead, chaos, stress.

Zen photo: clear window showing tranquil outdoor. With sea shells and pebbles and plants on the window pane.

There’s no 24 hour Zen

I’ll tell you that. If that were the case, perfection would have been here! There are things in life that ruffles my feathers. That’s for sure. But having to power to choose what I respond to, if at all – having the power to decide and to be in control of my decisions – helps me immensely to foster that aura of zen. This is so because, left up to me – I choose peace. I choose calm. I choose simplicity which is the ultimate sophistication. I choose zen which is the ultimate meditation.


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