gray small bird on green leaves

The Little Things That Make Big Differences

gray small bird on green leaves

So many people stand in the way of enhancing their growing potential, by simply failing to accommodate the little things that make big differences in their lives.

While it is true that personal growth and improvement are not desired nor pursued by all – it is also true, that those who do – sometimes ignore their tiny efforts; subtle changes and slow progress.

the little things
JP – Pee Pena

Truth is, you may not always see the entire mountain move – but that doesn’t mean it isn’t getting ready to shift. Should you give up now, all your previous efforts would be in vain. Keep going. Slow progress is still progress.

Here are some Little Things you should Keep At!

man reading a book

Improving your mindset

Keep working the ‘muscle’ of the mind! Whether by way of learning new skills and taking new courses; taking part in mentorship programs; or just allowing your mind to soak in positively influential contents (podcasts, videos, blogs, films).

In improving your mindset, be sure to also improve the types of conversations you have and the people you have them with!

This may seem like such a little thing compared to the big differences you want to see – but surely, if you can’t change your mind, what else can you possibly change?

black man apologizing while talking with girlfriend

Admitting Wrong & Apologizing

What does this have to do with your personal growth? Everything!

It shows a high level of accountability in your character and also, the value you have for people and their dignity as humans.

This trait is by no means easy. It takes a brave person to admit wrong and apologize. Not only will you boost your character and credibility, but you will also be in touch with the Law of Reflection, one of the 15 invaluable laws of growth.

It takes a brave person to admit wrong and apologize.

rooting for growth with fiona dacosta
crop kid tying shoelaces on sneakers

Try Again…

In other words – don’t give up on YOU.

There are a plethora of obstacles that will challenge your goals and aspirations in life.

If things go wrong, don’t go with them!

Do the right thing, and try again.

Sometimes, its the comeback from the hardest blows that scores the goal.

Sometimes, its the comeback from the hardest blows that scores the goal.

rooting for growth with fiona dacosta
young athletes preparing for running in training hall


So many missed opportunities, stem from a failure to prepare.

In the words of Winston Churchill:

“To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitting their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for what could have been their finest hour.”

Successful people know, that its the work and preparation behind the scenes that propel them to the stage, where all they have to do then – is smile and wave.

Whatever the things you desire – if you fail to prepare for them, they will certainly find you unprepared.

successful multiethnic business colleagues in modern office

Maintain Standards & Principles

This is one of those little things that isn’t so little after all!

No matter what offers, promises or avenues for growth and improvement present themselves… if you have to lower your standards and principles, it may not be such a good idea.

Especially when it comes on to your core values and character, you should guard against temptations.

You are no chicken, coward nor baby for staying true to YOU.

There you go, Little Things That Make Big Differences! Comment below and/or like this post if these little things make big differences for you!


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