Tag: Goal

  • How To Come Back from Setbacks

    How To Come Back from Setbacks

    Certainly, setbacks are inevitable. The very fact, that nothing goes 100% as planned, all the time, seals this pronouncement. However, as truthful as it is, that setbacks do happen – that doesn’t make them any less unfortunate, discouraging and oftentimes, derailing. Nonetheless, you can make a comeback from your setbacks – and that is empowering. […]

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  • How To Unlock Your Potential

    How To Unlock Your Potential

    Focus on your Potential instead of your Limitations. Alan Loy McGinnis Disclosure: Hi Rooters! This post contains affiliate links. Meaning, I may earn a commission from qualifying purchases. This comes at no additional cost to you. See Privacy Policy. If you remember nothing else after reading this post, please remember this You are valuable. You […]

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  • To Be Goal Wise and Growth Foolish

    To Be Goal Wise and Growth Foolish

    It’s a terrible thing to be goal oriented and growth disoriented! That’s a calamity many face today, without even realizing it. I too, was goal wise – and growth foolish… Goal Wise… Until, I paused to reflect on my growth journey and allowed growth to catch up with me During this reflection I assessed my […]

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