Super Simple Ways To Start Loving Mondays!

Weekends are generally very much anticipated for a plethora of reasons. But why are we even talking about weekends? Shouldn’t we be talking about Mondays?

Sure thing! As a matter of fact, weekends are primarily the cause of people not liking Mondays so much. If it isn’t obvious yet, it’s a Monday that ends the weekend! Even though Sundays are considered the start of a new week in many places – they still count as part of the “weekend”. Especially for persons who start work or school on a Monday.

With seven days in a week, and many persons working on five, the weekend is a time for rest, visits, shopping, socials, chores and just being away from their place of work. People pretty much have more autonomy over their weekends than they do on weekdays. So, by the time it narrows down to Sunday evening -the smell of Monday nauseates many.

Mondays signal the start of the new work week. Not only that, but it will take four more days before another weekend arrives. For many, that is a long wait.

Possibly, that is the case for you too. So, what can you do differently to anticipate and love Mondays?

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Here are some tips for loving Mondays more:

Tip #1: Enjoy your Weekend

Truly, it is disappointing news to hear someone say they didn’t have a good weekend. And the question of whether you did in fact enjoy it, is a popular question on Mondays. When you enjoy your weekend, you answer this question with a beaming yes.

Subconsciously, you feel better able and ready to begin your tasks on a Monday. Not only that, but you will feel contented to know that you used your time away from work well. This gives you a sense of fairness, you enjoyed your “you time” so now you can put in some work.

Note well, that there are countless ways that you can enjoy your weekend. It’s really up to you and the things you enjoy. It could mean you had great naps. It could mean you visited friends and family or they visited you. It could also mean you indulged in your hobbies or got yourself something really nice. Whatever the things you enjoy, incorporate them in your weekends – and whenever you can!

Tip #2: Pick out an Outfit you Love!

Frankly, wearing the same clothes week after week can become a habit! Can you believe it? When was the last time you wore something different from your closet? Even for persons who have multiple changes of clothes, they too can get caught in the cycle of just wearing certain things over and over and over and over…..

One sure way of anticipating Monday morning is to arrange an outfit the night before. One that you will be looking forward to wearing. An outfit you look great in, feel great in and can’t wait to get dressed in.

Even if it means matching the same blouse/shirt with a different pants/skirt. It may mean wearing a different jacket with the same inside dress or shirt too! And if you do have clothes you have never worn – you can start wearing them on Mondays! So long as they are appropriate.

For those persons who wear uniforms to work, you are not exempted. While your uniform is constant, a change in the accessories like your wallet or purse can make a stellar difference.

Basically, the idea is to have something to look forward to on Monday morning where attire is concerned. Something that will give you that extra energy to get out of bed and face Monday!

woman wearing pink blazer

Tip #3: Make a Checklist

Additionally, making a checklist can help you anticipate and love Mondays more. Here is the trick. Avoid making an overwhelming list. You want to begin loving Mondays, not disliking them any more. A checklist with about 10 things to do is sufficient. As you accomplish tasks throughout the day, you can determine if you will add more tasks to the list.

As much as possible, include tasks that will make you feel great when you accomplish them. Think about it, your Mondays don’t have to be 100% centered around work. You can include having a timely lunch (take along or schedule to buy something you will look forward to eating). Tick that off the list once you are done.

Likewise, you can make it a task to visit someone at your place of work that you haven’t seen in a while. Maybe they work in a different department. It could even be someone who maintains the property. This would not only make their Monday brighter – but yours too!

Tip #4: Go to Bed Early Sunday Night

It is important to observe this tip. Adequate rest is essential for the proper functioning of the body. You will feel and look better in the morning too!

To add, this gives you sufficient time to recuperate from your weekend. As a result, you will be better rested to start the week. Who knows, you may not need that snooze button in the morning! A great way to look on this too, is to think about the usual Monday morning traffic. Many persons usually head out early or earlier on Mondays. Getting a good night’s rest on Sunday could mean that you too can wake up early (and refreshed) to head out early.

A bonus to going to bed early on Sunday night is that your gadgets get sufficient time to charge. Providing you actually put them to charge of course! This is especially helpful if you will not have access to charging ports while you are at work or even during your commute to work. Who wants to check their phone battery half-way on their way to work, only to realize it’s dying soon!

black remote control on white surface

Tip #5: Do Work You Love

It is no secret that you will dread Mondays and every day for that matter if you are doing work you dislike! So what if it pays the bills? At some point in time – when you reflect, you will see that it wasn’t really worth it. While I am not telling you to quit your honest way of earning a living – I am surely telling you to seek out honest ways you love, that will still earn you a living.

While you are at it, don’t forget to make a life. One with fond memories that can make your heart smile even if you are physically in pain. When you do work you love, everyday is another day to get to it with joy. It doesn’t feel like a dark cloud over you.

Evidentially, you will actually look forward to Mondays to get your work done. If you are currently doing work you do not enjoy doing and believe there is room for growth, you can read about the law of trade offs. That ought to get you thinking.

That’s that! Which tip did you find most appealing? Will you try it for next Monday? Let me know how it goes!

Have Happy Mondays!

balloon on sky

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