
Somebody Paid Me for My Skill. Deposit Made in Advance


How often do you get paid to do something you are good at? You know, something that isn’t included in your day job, but you’ve been recognized for doing it well. Plus, you enjoy and feel most alive when you are executing this skill. That’s exactly the case for me. Somebody paid me for my skill. They needed it for a special moment!

I Executed this Skill a Million Time, But this was the First time I was Paid for it!

A part of personal growth, is identifying your strengths and working in your strength zone. Not only that, but serving others with your strengths help you to compound the interest of the rewards that will become due when they have ‘bought in’ to this skill of yours.

Before this instance of being paid to carry out this skill, I would have given freely and without expectation of being compensated over the years. To be fair, a lot of the opportunities basically gave me an audience and unique spaces to market this skill indirectly. I always brought my best, no matter the size of the project nor the type of audience involved.

When these projects ended, I have always been so elated to hear persons comment on how pleased they were and what a difference my skill had made to their project.

Some Persons Are Surprised by my Skill. But Why?

Perhaps for my stature and composure, they may have just summed me up as nothing more, nothing less. It brings me immense joy quite frankly, surprising people. The look of astonishment on their faces, whether they try to be cool about it or show their surprise, always gives me pleasure. It reinforces my humble disposition, as I truly believe that a lion doesn’t have to walk around telling others its a lion. Well, I’ve always been that lion per say, those who know – know. And those who find out, only when I roar, tends to stay convinced. Some skill that must be.

What’s the Skill that Got me Paid?

How exactly do I put this? Let’s just say I was asked by a bride to be, to be the ‘master of ceremony’ at her wedding reception. How amazing is that!

Skill of hosting wedding. Wedding Reception Emcee.

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At first I thought, me? I’ve never emceed at a wedding before. Are you sure you’d want me to have such a great responsibility on your special day? She was SURE. As a matter of fact, the persons who suggested me to her were also SURE. They would have seen me ‘in action’ per se, before. And although, those settings were different, it was the skill that mattered. They believed. They were convinced. I soon convinced myself too, that a wedding reception was ripe for the picking.

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Tough Crowd?

No way. What wonderful guests. Or perhaps, what wonderful seating arrangements!

I had fun while doing it, and it did not feel like work at all. I was committed to making the evening a memorable and fun one for the bride and groom as well as their guests. Some of the guests complimented my skill after the event. It was a joy, knowing that I was able to help their host pull of a wonderful reception.

Welcome the Newest MC on the Market

Panos Sakalakis

While I’m not new to the skill nor the events, I’m certainly new to the market! I think this is where I want to go, as it pertains to the next level of my growing experience, you know, my growth journey. Utilizing my skill to operate in my success zone, while being paid to do so!

Let’s toast: Here’s to getting paid to do what doesn’t feel like work! And of course, making people’s projects a success.

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Are You Breathing Life Into Your Skill?

A mistake we make in life, is focusing on the things we aren’t good at. Focus on the things you are good at for a change. Work on improving those skills. Build them. Take care of Them. Very soon, if you stay at it, they will take care of you.


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