Review [Part 3] 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth – John Maxwell

Part 3 of 3

Hip, Hip … Hooray! You made it to part three (3) of my review of The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth! Good rooting!

woman in green jacket raising her hands

Assuming you haven’t already read part one and part two you can do so now. The first 10 Laws were discussed, five each in part 1 and two respectively. Also, in part 2, I shared which is my favourite law and why.

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Now, without further ado, part 3… coming right up!

LAW 11: The Law of Tradeoffs

“You have to give up to go up…”

In this case, give up doesn’t mean quitting and refusing to grow. It basically means letting go of one thing to reach for another thing that will take you to the next level of your growth journey. Often times, we stand in our own way.

It’s true! The level you are at, may be the best level so far and so, you get complacent. You stand in your own way. Blocking the next level of your growth.

Similarly, you may do so out of fear. The job you have now covers the bills. You manage to save a little. You love that security. As a result, you fear trading it for something else – that may turn out to be more worthwhile and valuable for you.

The truth about tradeoffs is that they avail themselves throughout our lives. Some harder than others. The scare about them is that they require hard decisions which often lead to difficult changes.

Of a fact, growth involves change. And as John puts it: “When you want something you have never had, you have to do something you have never done.” You stop growing when you stop making tradeoffs. You stay in one place. One state. Sure, there will be tradeoffs that you are not willing to compromise, based on your values. However, some persons never make tradeoffs, not because of values but out of fears.

Essentially, they give in. They go through life instead of growing through life.

Tradeoffs Worth making:

  • I am willing to give up financial security today, for potential tomorrow.
  • I am willing to give up immediate gratification for personal growth.
  • I am willing to give up the fast life for the good life.
  • I am willing to give up security for significance.
  • I am willing to give up addition for multiplication.

LAW 12: The Law of Curiosity

“Growth is stimulated by asking why?”

Having a beginners mindset helps you to be teachable and receptive to learning. Which in turn, contributes to your growth. Taking things as you have always known them to be is not conducive for growth. Spend time with curious people. Ask questions. Make why your favourite word. Learn something new everyday.

Because that way, you get out of the box. The lessons you learn may have otherwise not been revealed to you. Simply put, you do not know it all. Curiosity keeps your mind sharp and creates room for growth.

LAW 13: The Law of Modeling

“It’s hard to improve when you have no one but yourself to follow…”

This by no means refer to making comparisons. Avoid doing that. Instead, find people who make for good mentors and role models. I suggest mentors, as you can reach out to them for guidance.

A good mentor is a worthy example of the values you hold dear. They can offer friendship and support. Someone who makes a difference in your life and has experience doing so.

Ensure your mentor isn’t afraid to be stern when it matters most. Likewise, compassionate when that need arises.

Similarly, you have a role to play. Trust the instructions and decisions of your mentor. That’s why you chose them, right? After all, they gone the way and are ready to show you the way.

LAW 14: The Law of Expansion

“Growth always increase your capacity…”

Stop thinking about MORE WORK and start thing about WHAT WORKS. This way, you increase your thinking capacity. John tells advises, ask yourself these questions:

  1. What am I required to do?
  2. What gives me greatest return?
  3. What gives me greatest reward?

Stop doing what is expected and start doing more than is expected. Stop doing important things occasionally and start doing important this everyday. This way, you not only expand your capacity for thinking and for action, but also for growth.

A part of growth is also expanding you impact. Where is your impact now? Where would you want it to be? Do you place limits on your capacity to expand? Stop seeing one door. See many doors. The Law of Expansion doesn’t work if you keep limiting yourself.

LAW 15: The Law of Contribution

“Growing yourself, enables you to grow others…”

Have you noticed anyone who grows themselves and take others along with them? They know the value of contribution. Likely, they too were the recipient of the contribution of others.

The bottom line is that others need to grow too! Be mindful though, that you cannot give what you do not have. If you have worked on learning on earing something, then you are able to share from that with others. Conversely, if you are not a mechanic and do not know anything about fixing vehicles, you wouldn’t be best suited to contribute in that area.

Each day, in keeping with the law of contribution, ask yourself: What good can I do today? Then, when you reflect, ask: What good have I done today.

John reminds us to be a river and not a reservoir. A river flows and gives away the water it collects. While a reservoir takes in and keeps the water all to itself.

body of water between trees during daytime

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