
Relaxing Ways To Spend An Evening After Work


You work hard. You should contemplate excellent ways to wind down as well. Provided that you work in the daytime, and have more flexible evenings, here are some relaxing ways to spend an evening after work.

relaxing evenings
How to relax after work

Soak Your Feet

Don’t just put them up. Get yourself some warm water in a basin or tub. Add some Epsom salt, fragrant oils and even some baking soda. Enjoy a nice, warm soak for about 10 -20 minutes. There are plenty benefits to this. Not only is it relaxing, but it improves your energy levels, moods, prepares you for a wonderful evening of sleep, PLUS, it relieves those aches and pains that your feet may have endured throughout the day.

Relaxing ways to spend an evening
relaxing foot soak
soaking feet in Epsom salt

Do this while Relaxing…

You may choose to pass the time enjoying nothing but this relaxing feet soak with your eyes closed… or you could start one of your favourite playlists. Also, if you are into aromatherapy, then light up a scented candle or two and relax away…

Dedicate the Relaxing Evening to Skin Care

Who doesn’t want glowing skin? Besides, why not work towards getting it, or maintaining it as a means of relaxation?

Certainly, skin care isn’t a labourious task. Yes, patience and routine are expected. Nonetheless, there’s a whole lot of relaxation that can come from an evening dedicated to skin care.

Relaxing skin care

The skin is our largest organ, let’s talk about how to get maximum relaxation while caring for it in the evenings after work.

After your evening shower, moisturize your skin immediately. That way, your skin is still mild from your shower and your pores are more receptive to the moisturizer (especially if you took a warm shower). Don’t just lather on your moisturizer though. Massage it gently into your loving skin. Get to know every inch of this often neglected organ. Delicately glide over your body, speaking to it glow, grow and relaxation.

Remember, this isn’t to be done like a quick dash to just jump into bed. Consider it a regimen. A relaxing regimen.

Relaxing lip conditioning

Glide over your lips with some petroleum jelly or better yet, an unscented or medicated lip conditioner. Your lips will thank you in the morning. Moist, soft and healthy lips await. This may even help to strip the dead skin away (you shouldn’t have much if you’ve been exfoliating your lips though).

Related Post: 6 Easy Self Care Ideas with Excellent Results

There are plenty other skin care features out there. Whether it be oiling those cuticles, facial cleansing or even a full body exfoliation, decide on what’s best for you on a particular evening after work. Ensure its nothing to fuss about nor anything arduous. The goal is relaxation.

Read Something that isn’t Strenuous nor Technical

Self care

Skip the study material. Skip the work material. Isn’t the evening dedicated towards relaxation?

Whether you choose to browse through a magazine or one of those novels you somewhat forgot about, make sure it doesn’t distress your mind. If it makes you smile or even feel contented, go for it.

Relaxing Evening With Someone?

Who says a relaxing evening can only be achieved from solo activities.

Be careful though, you shouldn’t compromise your evenings in company that drains you or does the opposite of allowing you a relaxing wind down.

Therefore, whoever you choose to share your evening with, make sure they’re well worth the while and will deliver on the goal of relaxation.

Maybe you decide to call a cousin to reminisce on some lighthearted childhood days. An easy going chat with a friend? Perhaps its a soul searching or bonding session with your significant other. You could even be pampering your pet!


Watch a Great Movie

Or a fashion show if you’re up to it. It’s advised that you do so long before bed time though… you know, so you can give your eyes a break from the screen before sleeping.

Watching a great movie will give your mind a break. You’ll be transported to places you’ve never been, introduced to scenery you appreciate and perhaps you’ll meet characters you like!

Review Your Planner/Schedule for Tomorrow

Hear me out. This may seem like a mundane thing to do, but think of all the anxiety it will eliminate. Knowing you have planned for the day ahead helps you to unwind and keep a steady mind all evening.

Besides, scheduling helps you to feel in control which in turn makes you feel more relaxed.

Sip on a Relaxing Cup of Tea

The popular chamomile tea is champion here. However, a warm cup of tea, your choice will do just fine. Not sure what to sip on? See here a selected range of tried and true teas for relaxation.

Nothing beats a warm cup of relaxing tea while you are cozied up and have retired indoor for the evening. Don a pair of socks if your place is chilly this time of year. Now, someone is truly relaxing.

If you enjoyed reading this article, then I’m pretty sure you’ll like this one too: 14 Things to Enhance Your Self Love.


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