woman girl bed bedroom

Productive Morning Habits For a Super Day!

woman girl bed bedroom

Here are some Productive Morning Habits for a Super Day!

Its so easy to wake up expecting to have a great day that is without drama, incidents, grouchy moods swings and a ton of things that could go wrong.

However, this expectation does not always mature into reality. Although it is true, that you can’t control the happenings in your day 100% – there are some things you can do to set a great day in motion.

Productive Morning Habits For a Super Day!

Tidy Your Space!

Believe it or not, you pull a lot of energy from your environment. Usually, the energy you soak up, mirrors the energy being given off around you.

So, imagine starting your day in a space that is untidy, unorganized and dull. Surely, this isn’t the energy you want to face your day with.

Keeping an untidy space could well mean that you’ll be tripping over obstacles or facing unpleasant things with every turn. You may be unable to focus properly on the things that matter.

Similarly, with an unorganized space, you may easily loose track of time searching for things you need to get your morning in gear.

white and pink bed pillow on bed

Brighten your space and your morning by tidying up and organizing. This helps boost your confidence – knowing that when you step out into the world, your space back home is tidy – and so are you!

This is even more necessary if you spend your days at home.

To add, this gives you a sense of responsibility and some moderate exercise!

assorted wall decors
Manja Vitolic

If you have to head out early, tidy and arrange the evening before. No matter what you do though, there’s always going to be a bit of tidying up to do in the morning. Like making your bed and putting away your sleeping clothes!

Check & Double Check… before Heading Out

Its an instant, irritable trigger when you have to go back home for something you forgot – or having to do without it for the whole day!

Before finally closing your door, driving out, walking down the stretch or signaling to your driver that you’re good to go – check your wallet/purse especially. This is usually where your important identifiers are and your money too!

person walking holding brown leather bag
Marten Bjork

A double check could possibly save you time and embarrassment too. Make sure you have all the items you need to venture into your super day.

This may also mean checking messages and emails. Maybe the appointment was pushed back or a venue changed from the previous arrangement.

Who knows, there may even be notifications about the weather where you’re headed or the condition of the route you intend to ply.

Get Some Sunlight & Fresh Air as morning habits

As human beings, we are so different from plants, yet very much alike!

See how they flourish with sunlight and fresh air?

green trees and brown dried leaves during daytime
Michael Held

So too, those early morning rays from the sun and the cool, light, fresh air can be a productive start to your day!

Besides, sunlight helps your brain produce a chemical called serotonin which is great for feeling positive, focused and calm. Now those emotions are certainly great for a super day!

Additionally, getting in that clean, fresh morning air is great for cleaning your lungs, strengthening your immune system and cultivating a sharp mind!

Make Your Lists!

Lists are efficient when it comes down to remembering tasks or items that need attention throughout the day.

Essentially too, this exercise gives you an opportunity to offload what is on your mind – giving your brain a chance to relax since it is not working extra hard to remember everything.

Psychologist and author, Dr. David Cohen believes to-do-lists help immensely, even though they aren’t guaranteed to get things done.

He’s right! The lists are starting points that help YOU get your tasks done and you’ll tick off as many tasks as you intentionally work towards.

Basically, list making helps to foster order in your day, accountability and of course productivity.

Read, Watch or Listen something Inspiring/Motivational as morning habits

Starting your day with inspirational and motivational content can be as easy as 1…2..3 and super productive too!

Whether you choose to read a short quote, say your affirmations, watch a motivational video or listen an inspiring podcast – make sure its content that suits the demands of the day.

That way, you’ll feel as though the material was tailored for you! Which is an instant boost to set a super day in motion.

As simple as it sounds, this is a really idea.

What other productive morning habits do you know of or practice?

Go ahead. Feel free to share in the comment section below.

Who knows, a fellow reader may just adopt your suggestion and start having productive and super days!

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