Preparing for the Professional World…

woman holding white mug while standing
Brooke Lark

Hello there! Nice seeing you here. Are you getting ready to launch into the professional world? Or are you already there and need a little refresher? No matter how seasoned you believe you are professionally, there are always tips that can prove helpful. And if you are a newbie, don’t worry. You are in good hands.

Therefore, whatever your professional journey may look like – you are sure to learn or refine a thing or two, right here, at Rooting For Growth! Feel free to leave tips in the comments for other readers like you – and tips for me too!

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Remember, I mentioned here that I am no expert. Nor am I a know – it – all. I love learning and sharing lessons. So like you, I too, keep rooting for growth.

Before we go any further, let me first dispel a common idea that “professional” mostly relates to the corporate space. You know – neck tie; pointy shoes; blazers and jackets; black and white. While those things are deemed appropriate attire in some spaces, they may not be professional in others!

So then, what does professional really mean? A person considered a professional -is likely one who has expertise or who is engaged in a specific field. There are professionals in sports, music, catering, business, the legal fraternity, medicine, education etc.

To act professionally is to carry yourself with attributes deemed ideal and appropriate in your area of work/ your career.

The tips below are helpful and you can always refer back to them here. They are in three categories: arrangement, attire, attributes.


  • Prepare and update your resume/curriculum vitae. Ensure it is up to date in terms of your achievements and experiences. Avoid the urge to send your resume quickly without updating it. You may find later, that you omitted to include a vital piece of information that could cost you a job. Literally! As we are in the habit of constantly growing, this cannot be over-emphasized.
  • Be sure to familiarize yourself with the culture, history, management and mission of the company, organization or team. And if you are an entrepreneur, be sure to map out and establish these things too! This helps you to know what to expect and what may be required of you. Especially if any of these appear as an interview question for those seeking to become employed.
  • Speaking of interviews, Prepare, prepare, prepare. Do not get too nervous though. While nerves is natural, there are lots you can do to minimize it. One of those things is to prepare. In connection with the previous point – familiarize yourself with the role you are expected to play. Be aware of what is required so you can adequately answer questions related to the expected role. Additionally, if you feel you need more preparation where interviews are concerned you can visit the link below.
Maximize your chances of getting the job with our Job Interview Prep online course! Only $19! Sign up now!
  • Also, get in tune with yourself. Believe in yourself and get ready to apply yourself to the new role you are interested in. Whether you are scheduled for an interview, audition or getting ready to launch your business, you will need to put your best self forward.


shallow focus photography of cactus plants in pot on table
  • Dress comfortably and follow the dress code of your place of work or profession. The professional attire for a nurse will always be different from that of a professional football player.
  • Know for certain if your profession or place of work tolerates branded attires with logos, slogans or even colours which represent another organization. It may sound simple. However, it is a serious matter. Let’s say there are two companies in your country offering internet services. Company “A” and Company “B”. Formerly, you worked with Company “A” or just happen to have a branded T-shirt with their logo. For this scenario, let’s say you now work at Company “B”. You are allowed to wear a T-shirt on a Friday and you choose to wear the one from Company “A”. That wouldn’t be professional nor considerate!
  • Ensure you take grooming into consideration too. In some spaces it may be acceptable to wear long nails and unacceptable in others. imagine watching your meal being prepared at a restaurant and the chef has nails long enough to host germs. In contrast, long nails may be acceptable at the office.


There are some attributes deemed professional that just never go out of style. Listing them could take all day. So I prepared five of the most important ones. Comment to let other readers and myself know if you have any to add.

Top 5

  • Being on Time. Sometimes being early makes all the difference. Ultimately, strive to be on time. This shows that you respect the profession or duty and also the people you work with and serve. Additionally, it shows that you value time and as a result – you use it wisely.
  • Following the Chain of Command. The Chain of Command ideally represents the order in which you report, seek help or make suggestions. You may have an immediate supervisor who in turn reports to someone more senior (in position), who then reports to the CEO. You may be tempted to escalate an issue or seek a faster response time – leading you to skip your supervisor and go straight to the CEO. Avoid doing this. Follow the chain of command first. Give it time. Then, if the issue is still present, consider going to the next person in command.
  • Respecting Others and their Property. Not everyone will be tolerant of you in their space and utilizing their property. That’s fine. They have all rights to feel that way. Ask questions first. Ensure the people in your space are comfortable with you calling them nicknames, going in their drawers, borrowing their pens, or even their gym mats!
  • Represent the Brand Well. When you are associated with a team, company or organization, the way you carry yourself can impact how others see the brand. Consider yourself an ambassador – because ultimately you are!
  • Don’t Steal. Now, this is important to note. You may not consider yourself a thief, and that’s good. Nonetheless, you may get urges to pilfer resources that may be present in large quantities. While taking only one today may seem like nothing, it adds up in the long run. Avoid nurturing such a habit. If you want something, it’s best you ask.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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