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Preparing for the New School Year: Teacher Essentials in Jamaica

back to school flatlay

It’s no secret that time flies…especially during the summer holidays. For many teachers in Jamaica, this period is further shortened by meetings and curriculum setting seminars. As August narrows down, there’s plenty a teacher has to do. Outside of the administrative tasks, existing and prospective teachers will do well not to overlook the necessary teacher essentials in Jamaica. Afterall, these are crucial to preparations for the new school year.

So, saddle up Teach – and take copious notes of these Back-to-School must haves.

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Teacher Essentials in Jamaica: #1 – Book Bag/Pouch

This is super necessary as most teachers in Jamaica walk to their respective classes on a daily basis, instead of having a set homeroom where their students come to them for lessons. While there are designated rooms i.e. Music, Technical Drawing, Labs etc. often times than not, teachers leave the staffroom (s) to meet their students in these rooms.

As a result, teachers need to take along items like textbooks, laptops, charging cords, registers, tokens, stationery etc. To walk around with all these items in hand may be inconvenient and also challenging. It makes sense then, to get a designated bag for all these items. One that is durable and also dark in colour may be extremely beneficial.

A durable bag will serve you term after term and one that is dark in colour will spare you the trouble of taking an unsightly, dirty bag to classes considering you may have to place it on tables or even utilize it while handling ink or marker stains. A wash every week or even bi-weekly is better and a dark colour will be of great assistance.

In addition, a pouch will be a great asset (that’s if your bag doesn’t have this element) since you get to take more personal items with you. For example a little bottle of hand sanitizer, wipes, mints etc. Some teachers also like to have their pens and markers in a separate pouch from their main bag – for ease of access.

However you choose to compartmentalize your things – one thing rings true, a book bag/pouch will be beneficial to you.

Teacher Essentials in Jamaica: #2 – Umbrella

Gianandrea Villa

Its a “Jamaican thing” – wanting to “stay put” when it rains. Nonetheless, this is hardly justifiable when the rain isn’t of the nature that excuses one from performing their duties. As such, don’t be unprofessional about going to your classes when it rains. Do the right thing and get an umbrella. Get one that is practical enough to be able to pack with you daily – considering the weather is unpredictable.

Being prepared for classes doesn’t only mean having your lesson plan – its also the the little things like an umbrella, for eventualities like the rain or even unbearably hot days. If you don’t show up to class because it is raining and you have no umbrella – the timeline for the completion of a topic may be pushed back and you may develop a reputation of unduly missing your classes.

Get an umbrella for days when it rains on your parade – so you can show up just the same.

Teacher Essentials in Jamaica: #3 – Comfortable Shoes

There is no negotiating this one. You absolutely require comfortable shoes. You’ll be required to be on your feet quite often. Teachers do A LOT of standing and walking. From inspecting your classroom (s) corner to corner, to walking with your students to assembly points and even in delivering lessons on your feet – what a literal pain you might be in if your shoes aren’t comfortable.

Fact: The teaching profession puts one at a high risk of developing varicose veins due to prolonged standing.

Ideally, this goes for male and female teachers alike. It isn’t just “heels” that might be uncomfortable. A common mistake among many is wearing the incorrect size or even inappropriate shoes based on the tasks for a particular day.

Una Kao

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A quick tip to teachers who wear heels is to be mindful of your timetable on particular days. So, if your “lighter” days are on Mondays, perhaps heels won’t cause a strain on your feet. In contrast, on days when you have to make the rounds, climb up and down the stairs constantly or even deliver a very active lesson, you may want to consider an alternative. Mind you, heels come in various inches, so even if you choose to wear them everyday, be especially careful not to go for those super high ones ALL the time, and if you do, take along ballet shoes or even loafers that can be life savers – just in case those ankles need saving.

Eric Prouzet

Teacher Essentials in Jamaica: #4 – Organization Strategies/Tools


Make no mistake, one key trait of being an effective and reputable teacher is being highly organized. Think about it. You are entrusted with keeping records, storing assessment papers for students of varying classes/subjects as well as developing systems/strategies that help keep you in tip top shape where locating information and resources is concerned.

As a result, organization tools and strategies are imperative. Here are s few tips:

  1. Utilize colour coded or labelled folders per class/subject – if you teach more than one subject this can be especially helpful, a further strategy will be needed if you also teach the same subject to multiple classes. When you collect homework/classwork, having an organized storing strategy can be a life saver.
  2. Consider getting notebooks for each subject or class – no more jotting things down on a scrap of paper or in a planner. Have designated notebooks for each class/subject and take them with you to those lessons so that you know exactly where to look and where to make notes for organizational purposes and future references.
  3. Have an organized labelling system in place for if or/and when you confiscate materials from students. Some things you confiscate may need the attention of your senior management team i.e. cell phones, weapons, age inappropriate materials. Nonetheless, sometimes, a simple item like a tennis ball may need to be confiscated due to usage at an inappropriate time. Ensure you label and store well and if you are not organized in this way – its best to take up the matter with your senior managers.
  4. Make a to-do-list for yourself and keep it at your table in a place where it is easily visible. This list can be a generic one. You know, one that isn’t specific to a particular day but instead applies to a daily routine. For example, updating daily attendance registers, checking emails from students and parents alike; and creating or reviewing lesson plans. Tailor your list to your role (s) and functions.

Teacher Essentials in Jamaica: #5 – Stationery

Image of thumb tacks, post - it notes, paperclips and note pads
Teacher essentials in Jamaica

You new this one was coming didn’t you?

Its one of the most popular must haves for teachers right across the globe. Stationery come in all shapes and sizes with a myriad of functions that helps to keep teachers organized, practical and functional. From staples/stapler to scissors and whiteboard markers/erasers and even the famous “red ink pen.” I’ve acknowledged that an exhaustive list of stationery that teachers will need is not at all achievable, so instead, here are a few that are often times overlooked:

Frequently Overlooked Teacher Essentials/Stationery in Jamaica:

reminder sticky notes

Teacher essentials in Jamaica

Post -it notes (sticky notes), for when you need to take a quick message, leave a note to a colleague or remind yourself of something!

two brown pencils

Teacher essentials in Jamaica

Pencils – its easy to overlook these handy essentials given the reliance on pens and in particular red ink ones. However, pencils are handy for when you are marking your registers or even adding scores to mark books, for obvious reasons. These are official documents and errors can be costly or even make for an untidy record. With your pencils, you get to take control of those eventualities.

brown rubber bands

Teacher essentials in Jamaica

Rubber bands are more handy and essential than you may want to let on. For when you have dozens of test papers that may not confine themselves well enough in a folder, these help to secure all your papers in one place. Even if you use folders, adding rubber bands help with securing your papers.

crop man sealing carton box with clear tape

Teacher essentials in jamaica

Clear Tape – Its happens, you may accidentally tear a student’s assessment sheet in the storing or marking process and need to tape it back together. As a matter of fact, papers generally, whatever the use and whomever it belongs to may get torn. Having clear tape (it doesn’t need to be a large one) is an essential.

Related Post: Silly Mistakes I Made as a First Year Teacher in Jamaica

Teacher Essentials in Jamaica: #6 – Laptop

In our fast paced technologically advanced world, a laptop is an essential device for many – and teachers are not exempt.

This will prove helpful where the planning of lessons and creation of exam scripts are concerned. Even more notable, is the drive among many schools to have their teachers fill students’ attendance on web systems as well as host virtual classes. Therefore, a laptop (tablet etc.) will be a needed tool.

Recently, the Government of Jamaica, through the Ministry of Education launched their “Own Your Own Device” (OYOD) Program, which provided JMD $85,000 laptop vouchers for teachers. This is another hint of the crucial nature of a laptop in a teacher’s profession.

Round Up: Teacher Essentials in Jamaica

By no stretch of the imagination, is this all there is to the teacher ‘essentials’ for the new school year. As a matter of fact there are also some intangible things that will certainly help teachers ace the new year. See: Guide to Being a New Teacher in Jamaica.

Best wishes as the new academic year approaches! May it be meaningful and memorable.

Above all else, continue Rooting for Growth!


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