On Your Mark. Mindset… Growth!

Of course! You have a super power that allows you to read and change your mind! Never underestimate that. Any effort to advance your personal growth is futile, without first addressing and adjusting your mindset.

This power is often under-utilized because it takes vulnerability and consistency. Just as how plans, dates and goals change – the mind must change also. Especially to accommodate growth. There is more to the mind than yes and no. There is depth, strategy and power. A renewed mindset is an essential item for your growth journey.

Essentially, if you haven’t already, go ahead and get your FREE, customizable, printable, growth affirmation NOW!

Here are 5 Mindset Must-Haves for Personal Growth. On your mark. Mindset…Growth!

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Photo by Prateek Katyal on Pexels.com

1. Self-Value

Listen, it is no surprise nor shame that we sometimes feel less than our true value. In fact, this is normal and is closely linked with how we perceive things. It is not okay though to constantly harbour these feelings. You got to learn how to shake them when they appear. And that is why this mindset of self value is important.

Acknowledge and believe that you are of great worth -because you are! When you value yourself, you set clear and healthy boundaries. You treat yourself with dignity and respect. People are intuitive, and they will know by this, that you champion self-value.

There are persons who may try to cross your boundaries. Some will set out to demean you. However, that is a reflection of their character and worth. Not yours. Even life may throw blows that make you second guess you worth. That doesn’t mean that your value is eroded. Knowing your value in the first place, helps you to shake feelings of inadequacy.

The mindset of self-value fortifies you for inevitable challenges on your growth journey.

2. Avoid Comparing Your Journey

Life is full of competitions and comparisons. Some are frivolous. So it would be ironic to say do not compete nor compare at all. We compete all the time. Whether you are trying to smash your own high score or your opponent’s. Or comparing your camera resolution to that of your friend’s. Sounds light hearted right? It’s no fuss at all.

Resultantly, fuss surfaces when you begin to weigh yourself down. You start comparing your growth journey to that of your neighbours. Persons you went to school with. People your age. Other parents. Before you know it, you are feeling pitiful, ashamed or even jealous. And it works both ways. Maybe your comparisons make you proud, contented and assured.

Here’s the thing. You don’t want to measure your journey using someone else’s realities. Your growth meter is different, inherently because – you are different. Comparing is not the key. Sure, it is good to emulate admirable traits you see in others. That way, you identify traits that align with your values and you fit them according to your goals.

Avoiding comparisons helps you center yourself and keeps you grounded. And you NEED this mindset if you plan on focusing on YOUR growth.

3. Tune in to Your Emotions

This requires vulnerability and honesty. And it is easier said than done. That does not mean it have to be hard though. It takes practice and patience. When was the last time you felt sad? Lonely? In despair?

When was the last time you felt excited? Contented? Relaxed and loved? Answering these questions mindfully is a start to a pattern that will be required on your growth journey. Unless you acknowledge and address your emotions, they build-up. You loose track and may loose yourself too.

This goes for feelings of sadness, likewise joy. Ignoring feelings of despair weighs you down. You might not notice now. But when it is time to unpack – even the last straw can break your back

Similarly, ignoring feelings of joy may mean forgetting gratitude. And gratitude is something you should acknowledge.

4. Seek Conducive Environments to Grow

John Maxwell, in his book, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth puts it perfectly. You can view my review of The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth In his book, Law number 6 is the Law of the Environment. John Maxwell outlines that growth thrives in conducive environments. And I want you to keep that in mind on your growth journey.

“To grow to our full potential, we have to be in the right environment. Growth thrives in favourable conditions. You and I grow the most when we surround ourselves with people and opportunities conducive to our development.”

The John Maxwell Company| April 29, 2014.

Justifiably, this is true and can be uncomfortable. Pointing out people, places, thoughts and habits holding back our growth is not easy. However, it is essential.

5. Failure Factors in Growth

What!? Who wants to fail? Nobody. Subsequently, failure may be seen as the opposite of success. Contrary to growth. Is it failure that is feared or the repercussions from it? How you will be seen. The draw backs and consequences. If there was no stigma and guilt attached to failing, would you be afraid to fail?

Ideally, we try to minimize and avoid failure because it is not the desired outcome. However, if you do fail, see it as an opportunity to grow. To try new strategies. To learn from mistakes and to risk being successful. In doing so, you ultimately give yourself permission to grow.


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