clothes and mirror inside a room

Must Have Outfits for Teachers in Jamaica – All Year Round

clothes and mirror inside a room

No more rushing to leave school early just so you can go procure an outfit for a school function tomorrow! Its time to revolutionize your wardrobe by planning ahead. So, skip the anxiety and the planned absences – all because you didn’t secure outfits. Here’s a rundown of the must have outfits for teachers in Jamaica.

Your School’s Calendar Can Hint at Outfits for Teachers in Jamaica

Many schools prepare a calendar for each term/ the academic year which is usually made available to teachers well in advance. This is a wonderful opportunity to make note of all the activities that may require you to put together outfits that you may not have readily thought about. Take consultations for example. This may span a week of dialogue with the parents/guardians of your students, who are seeking insights on their child’s academic performance and general conduct. As an example, for instances like this one, teachers may want to dress down or dress up depending on their individual preferences.

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Whatever you decide on, plan in advance. The point here is this – once you have a schedule/calendar from your school, putting your outfits together becomes less of a hassle – provided you prepare.

Outside of the individualistic calendars that schools may have, there are some standard outfits that are no brainers for teachers in Jamaica. Follow closely as this post outlines just that.

Consider Jamaica Day Outfits for Teachers in Jamaica!

Jamaica flags: Consider Jamaica Day outfits for Teachers in Jamaica

Yes! This one is in fact a no brainer. Therefore, teachers in Jamaica need not wait until the streets are lined with black, green and gold t-shirts to start putting this wardrobe essential together. For some teachers, it may be as simple as purchasing a t-shirt, while for others they may go the distance to commission a tailor/dressmaker to have something custom made. Get those bandanas, Rastafarian inspired outfits, and other outfits depicting our culture out from now. You know you’ll want to show up looking ire.

Love is in the Air: Consider Valentine’s Day Outfits For Teachers in Jamaica

Consider Valentine's Day outfits for Teachers in Jamaica

Another popular brain buster. Teachers are sometimes hesitant as to whether they will wear anything symbolic with the day of love.

Some teachers don’t even realize its that time of the year again, and they start scrambling for something red, pink, or white to throw an outfit together.

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Save yourself that trip to frantic fountain. Acquire from now, pieces that are red, pink, white or even a combination or variation of those colours. That way, you’ll have pieces that you can put together even if you are caught off guard. And if you are one to ensure you have a solid outfit particularly for that day, then here’s your gentle reminder to put those plans into place now.

Consider Sports Day Outfits for Teachers in Jamaica

Sports Day: Consider Sports Day Outfits for Teachers in Jamaica

At most schools, certain departments are assigned a House. This means, that teachers and students alike are part of the shenanigans leading up to Sports Day.

If you are one of those teachers who plan to compete on the day, then you had better start securing a pair of sneakers that will help you win those races! On top of that, you may also want to consider appropriate athletic clothes that you can change into for the sporting activities.

On the flip side, if you’ll just show up on the day to help with monitoring the children, plan something comfy yet appropriate for the energy of the day. Consider hats, sunglasses and sunscreen too!

Consider Prize Giving/Award Ceremony Outfits for Teachers in Jamaica

Trophies: Consider prize giving/award ceremony outfits for teachers in Jamaica

Teachers expect their students to do well. The good thing is that school’s in Jamaica tend to do a good job where recognizing the achievements of their students are concerned.

This event is usually of a formal nature. So ensure you secure outfits outside of your everyday look for classes. Jazz things up with a bit of accessories if you want to. Look your best for those unexpected requests a student may make to have a photo with you! Speaking of unexpected, what if you are being awarded too? You never know…they do a good job keeping that secret. Another reason to look your best – just in case!

The next point is similar…

Consider School Leaving/Graduation Outfits for Teachers in Jamaica

Similar to the point above, this one falls on the formal end of the spectrum too. It is usually one of the most sophisticated events. Afterall, it attracts a larger and more varied audience. Not only that, but everybody’s wearing their best. Students are wearing their cleanest uniforms, parents and family members are dressed proudly, school administrators are looking sharp. Guests and alumni are looking crisp. Tell me why should you look frumpy?

Make a note of it… Teachers should consider graduation outfits.

Consider Symposium Outfits for Teachers in Jamaica

Oftentimes, corporate Jamaica or even the various Ministries and other schools may invite your school to attend an event they are putting on. Perhaps its at a hotel or an auditorium. Who knows? Well you might just find out a day or two before – and the worst part… you may be the teacher to accompany the students there (sometimes these events are geared at teachers only).

While it will be a breath of fresh air getting away from the classroom or even the compound, you might start wondering well before you are home whether you have something to wear.

Do yourself a favour. Plan an outfit or two for these special invites. You will be representing your school and you want to do so well. Wear something professional and comfortable. Avoid anything that will need constant adjusting. So even though you will not be teaching, that doesn’t mean you’ll be hiding away. Some of these hosts like to call upon teachers to stand and wave or even get on the stage/platform! You may even have to interact with other teachers and students in those awkward ice breaker sessions.

Consider Christmas Dinner/Party Outfits For Teachers in Jamaica

This one is two-fold. Christmas parties are oftentimes planned by teachers for their students and on the other hand administrators plan Christmas parties for their staff as well.

For those class parties, wear something comfortable and chill.

For your staff dinner though, depending on the theme and venue, you may want to turn up looking stunning. Take that into consideration early, especially since this activity is usually in the Christmas Term (the first term) September to December.

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For those Late Summer Meetings Signaling Back to School: Consider Summer Outfits for Teachers in Jamaica

Schools sometimes schedule meetings in late August just before the start of the new academic year. At these meetings teachers are expected to attend to meet with their departments and other sub groups.

These meetings are not usually formal nor overbearing in terms of dress code. Some teachers may wear their casual jeans and shirts/blouses, summer dresses etc. Once it is appropriate for the space, then you should be good to go. The point here is that, your typical classroom attire is not required. Save that for Monday morning!

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Do you have any outfit suggestions that teachers should consider?

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Share this post with a teacher in Jamaica. You’re such a friend. Good looking out!

Bonus: Here’s your reward for making it to the end of this post:

Consider outfits bearing the colours of the school you work at. Many schools have a colour combination that is unique to them. Acquire pieces that you can put together to show school spirit. More often than not, those are the colours that you will see constantly – it makes sense to have them, especially for spirit week and other proud moments when the school boasts of its existence.

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