close up photo of a ferocious bengal tiger

I Think I’ll Be a ‘Savage’ in the New Year, Here’s Why:

close up photo of a ferocious bengal tiger

‘Nice’ is such a bland word. I don’t aspire to be ‘nice’. Nice gets manipulated, pressured and unfairly compensated. For the past few years, I’ve been actively working on my ‘tell it like it is’ attitude. You know, saying ‘NO’ more often and getting used to disappointing people if it means protecting myself from burnout or emptying my cup ever so often only to be left parched. Sometimes, I succeed at this, other times, I resort to being nice. While kindness and compassion will never be pushed aside by me, I’m kicking ‘nice’ out the door because nice is outdated. Make way for a little savage. A lot of classy, yet bad-assy.

Savage, classy dark skin model, sipping coffee and reading magazine.
Vladimir Yelizarov on Unsplash

What I mean is, expressive; not seeking to fit the mold; calling people out for putting unfair energy out in my space. If this will make others uncomfortable, then, so let it be. At least I’m not the one imposing bad vibes, I’m truly trying to protect myself from it. And trust me, people rely on your ‘nice’ to keep this madness of theirs going. The moment you cut the strings on nice, you’ll see that the quality of your life changes. If that’s not a goal of yours for the new year, this read isn’t for you. You should exit here.

I’ll Be Savage with my Resources

How on God’s green earth, do people believe I come about whatever it is that I have? Surely, I wasn’t born with a silver platter. Nor do I have resources to splurge with. I don’t even splurge. I work for every cent, give every cent a job to do, and sometimes, in doing all the ‘right’ things with those cents, I end up with no ‘care free cash’. I dedicate my time to focused studies. I indulge in delayed gratification. I bite my lips and ‘curve my tummy’ and oftentimes ‘cut my eye’ just so the bigger picture can be fulfilled. Not many understand this. The few who do, are perhaps those who most need to take a little savage with them in the new year.

Givers need to set limits because takers rarely do.

Irma Kurtz

I’m Being a Savage with my Person Details

I think the number one reason why social media is a success is because people thrive on “Knowing about Others”. Even those who say they do not care what another person is up to, has some secret obsession with learning even an ounce about them or what they are up to. If they get bored with what they are finding out, that’s when they ‘don’t care what another is up to’. Knowing this, and in a bid to stay relevant, people constantly update others about what they are up to, consciously or subconsciously. Whether by being a mystery and dropping hints or by being a showcase and flaunting.

Lady on phone with cute manicure and silver watch.
Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

A while back, I divorced social media. To date, its probably a year and counting. To find out why, you’d have to read THIS. Anyway, so yes, I brought the curtains down on social media and it has been such a huge benefit to me. I’m continuing along that line, and being a ‘savage’ with my personal details. Its at the point where, if you know – you know. And if I choose to tell you, then I will. No scouring the media to find nothing nor layawaying even a WhatsApp profile picture nor status update to learn nothing.

If we communicate, then no need to worry. If we don’t, you might as well hire an investigator.

Related Post: How to Announce Less and Achieve More

I’ll Be a savage with my AMBITION

Clay Banks on Unsplash

By all means, there are dream catchers in the world and there are dream killers. Be careful who you share your grandest of imaginations with. Some persons unintentionally, express fear or even a lack of conviction when you share your visions with them. Perhaps those goals are seemingly ‘too’ big. Perhaps nobody they know on your street or even from your background have ever accomplished them. Maybe their own inhibitions will put a damper on your spirit.

Well, if it means I show results and keep my mouth shut, let the savage begin, because I’m going BIG for the new year. SO BIG, I risk shocking myself. I won’t scare anyone and risk them scaring me. We’ll get the shock together, when the mission is accomplished. And if its not, at the time when it was hoped for, at least I’ll have me to re-convince and not the whole living room. Much easier.

I’m Being Savage with my Time

I really and truly do NOT have time to ‘waste’. I’m already battling with finding ways to ‘spare more time’. So if we are having a conversation and I excuse myself in a bid to go catch up on something else, applaud me. I’m not standing there thinking “Oh my God, when will this end?” I’m ending it, at least, for me. I have to get to something else, even if that means a nap! Naps sustain me so much these days, I’m not letting nobody toy with that.

This also means that a lot of my old routines WILL change. If you are late, I’m leaving right away, catch me next time. And if by some force I wait, I’ll let you know point blank what the modus operandi will be next time. If you’ll be ready in the next hour, don’t ask nor expect me to wait. We just don’t have a mutually convenient timing that day. An hour is a precious amount of time… do you know how many things can be accomplished in an hour? What did I say about ‘nice’? Nice gets you manipulated, pressured and unfairly compensated.

I’m on the move. You see, when I stall to please others, I have to make up for that lost time. Nobody sees the rush to get an assignment done nor the anxiety to prepare for the next day. It’s like a constant struggle between getting things done; having somethings left behind; hurrying to pick up where you left off; trying to make up for lost time etc. while others simply see your time as a convenient way to insert their anomalies.

Luke Chesser on Unsplash

The Bottom Line is This…

When it comes to the trajectory of your life, you HAVE to TAKE a STAND. The waiting to see how people will turn around, will leave you pouring from an empty cup and parched. Add a little savage to your dependable charisma and kindness. Speak up while staying grounded. You know, show them what hurricane and sunshine looks like at the same time. You don’t have to wait until you are provoked. Just let it be known what you stand for so you can save time, instead of waiting until its gone bad.


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