How to Find Your Success Zone

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It is a common desire for many… to be successful. Each having their own perceptions of what their success looks like.

The good thing is, success is indeed achievable and does not have to always come in intervals – eluding us mostly.

So, how can you find your success zone… and stay there?

Firstly, you ought to determine for sure, what you consider to be success. Take this thought and turn it inside – out, as you seek to find your truest answer.

Stand clear of generic descriptions of success. You’d be better off not thinking about expectations either.

What do you desire for your life? Day in, day out? Those constant things that you work towards so often can help point you in the direction of your success. Actually, they can help to drive you.

Caution nonetheless. Be sure these desires are achievable and that you have plans to achieve them. Work those plans through. Otherwise… they are mere desires and plans.

woman in black and white long sleeve shirt and black pants walking on gray concrete floor

What you may be doing wrong…

Have you ever considered that maybe you are in the wrong zone?

This time, it’s not your comfort zone that may be causing the lack of growth and success. You really could be in the wrong zone!

Imagine striving for things that are absolutely within your weakness range? Not only that, imagine neglecting your strong attributes only to be exhausting your time and effort on things you are certainly no good at. Or, not very good at.

Don’t get this twisted

Working on your weaknesses isn’t something you should omit to do.

In fact, you’ll feel good about yourself for getting better at something that maybe isn’t your calling nor talent. It goes to show that you are willing to learn and improve!

That was me way back in school when I had Mathematics exams. See, I was no smarty pants where Math was concerned. I considered it a weakness of mine in the academic realm.

However, I had to work at getting better at it. In fact, my Math grades contributed to my overall student average and was a mandatory subject to have in many fields.

Therefore… you are not being advised not to work on your weaknesses.

But you are being advised to spend more time on your strengths.
That’s really where your success zone is!

The Power of your STRENGTHS in your success zone

As you can imagine, it is your strengths that are mostly contributors to your success. I won numerous awards and got multiple invitations to ceremonies because of my strength in English. I loved the subjects wired on the English Language i.e. English Literature, Communication studies etc.

Furthermore, I took great pride in writing it and speaking it. So much so, that I wrote articles, stories, delivered speeches effortlessly etc. To date, if I were consumed with working on my Math skills, I would never have started Rooting For Growth with Fiona DaCosta! I have to do a lot of content creation (written) which I happen to love!

You too, have talents and strengths that are waiting around for you to acknowledge. And not just acknowledge, but explore, stick with and succeed from!

Wake up and get wide eyed about your zone. Your success zone. The sooner you find those strengths and work them through – the sooner you’ll find your success zone.

What are your strengths?

When was the last time you asked yourself: “What are the things I am really good at?”

woman leaning on brown wooden table while holding book

Examine the answers you come up with. You may even discover hidden talents or re – discover things you are naturally good at.

More and more these days, people are doing away with expectations of them. They are following their talents and strengths. They are walking into their success zones – by truly doing the things that they are good at.

Let’s clear the air

Being good at something doesn’t mean you shouldn’t practice more or discipline yourself to maximize the talent or strength.

Ideally, you should work on sharpening your strengths. That’s how you get better! and even become the best!

There are billions of people in the world. Some have similar interests, talents and strengths like you do. What will set you a part is how much better you are.

This doesn’t mean you will go comparing your talents. Nonetheless, if you offer a product or service, people will certainly compare to to ensure they get the best. Let them do that.

So what you should do is compare your daily progress and growth. Care how small. Work on strengthening your strengths and moving into your success zone.

Staying in your success zone… requires work too

Finding your success zone is one thing. Staying in your success zone is another thing.

As alluded to earlier, discipline plays a major role in maximizing your potential for success.

Additionally, once you unlock one level of your potential to succeed, you realize that you have more within you!

To keep going and growing, you will need discipline. This discipline will keep you grounded. Even on days when you feel like you may be drifting outside your success zone.

Be intentional about finding your success zone. Let your discipline help you stay there.

Likewise, staying there should keep challenging you. Avoid getting complacent and don’t be afraid to explore all your strengths. There could be some possibility of merging them!

If not, you still get to focus on your strengths, which in time, translates to success.

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