photo of woman standing on sunflower field

How to Defy the Odds and Glow Up Just the Same

photo of woman standing on sunflower field

Anything worth while is uphill, and usually the climb uphill is never easy. Rather, an odd filled one requiring determination and resilience. As a result, few endure. A plethora of reasons may be cited as to why many abandon the uphill journey, however, this post will highlight those ways in which you can defy the odds while glowing up just the same.

So, What are the Odds?

A prominent feature of many success stories, is that of resilience. The necessary trait that conquers the inevitable challenges that will arise as one carry one with the business, of unlocking new levels of their growing potential. These odds range from moments of deficit; adversity; bad choices; self-doubt; failure; loss; unforeseen occurrences that put a damper on an otherwise solid map to success.

Yet, ironically, without these odds, there’s a risk of undeveloped character, grit, grace even and resilience.

The question then, how do you glow up and show up in your life just the same?

Know What you are About When Faced with the Odds

Girl getting ready to run a race despite the odds

In my e-book, Evoke your Growth, I made a bold declaration that many people are living an unoriginal life, which sabotages the need to be true to ones self. The first chapter addressed the importance of knowing yourself, being aware of your tendencies and subsequently, developing an awareness of your reality and being intentional about maneuvering your unique challenges.

Clearly, while many persons will at some point, face the same odds, only a few are determined enough to make the climb uphill. That’s why a growth mindset is paramount. It doesn’t divorce itself from the reality of the day, instead, it commits to enduring; it commits to going the extra mile; it commits to discipline; it commits to going against the grain and it commits to getting up every time the goal is preceded by a fall.

In essence, you have to know what you are about, so you don’t just ‘go with the wind’ or the ‘crowd’. This you have to establish early so it can be molded into your character and become your default modus operandi.

Related Post: Why Most People Fail at Personal Growth

When this mindset and this way of being becomes solidified, you are ready to embrace the odds and glow up, regardless!

Let Your Optimism Shine Through the Odds

Being optimistic despite the odds
Kevin Schmid

As we talk about glowing up, in the face of odds, optimism is essential. Its that proverbial ray of sunshine or that silver lining. When you can be optimistic in circumstances that seemingly attract pessimism, you have entered an entirely new realm of awakening. This isn’t to say that there will be no instances of worry or uncertainty, you know – we are human beings after all. Nonetheless, those glints of worry and uncertainty shouldn’t take long to fade and shouldn’t paralyze the muscles of the growth mindset.

Keep Going Amidst the Odds

The quality of your journey is determined by whether you keep going or whether you give up amidst the odds.

Related Post: 5 Practical Tips to Get Unstuck

There will always be obstacles, there will always be moments when giving up seems like the easiest thing to do. However, you’ll see in hindsight, that giving up would not have served you. Focus on the goal (s). Rest, pace yourself, pause – but keep going. A step at a time covers many miles, and that coverage takes you closer than ever to where you want to be.

One step at a time despite the odds
Hester Qiang

Reflect on Past Challenges and How you Pulled Through the Odds

Whenever you feel lost or even the urge to be hard on yourself, reflect on the instances in your life when you have been at a low. Recall the relief you felt when you rose from the slump. It can all happen again. That’s just life, many recurrences take place in a ‘seemingly different way’. If you are a person of faith, it helps to quiet the noises of the world and those internal noises too, with your faith and the hope of a renewed path.

Make a Plan and Work your Plan

Having a plan to defy the odds you are experiencing is a good thing. The better thing is to work that plan. Then of course the best thing, is watching that plan fall into place, with the desired results. Before the results though, let’s get back to having that plan and working it.

“A plan is only as good as those who see it through.”


In working the plan, be sure to remember that you may have to make other plans, as no one plan is fool proof. The essence really, is to always have a plan to meet the demand of the moment – for those moments when the main plan fails. Avoid being rigid thatyou flog a dead plan in the hopes of awakening it. Get in the habit or living in the moment and adjusting as needs be, instead of slumping and staying stuck when one plan or even expectations go south. That’s the plan!

You have what it takes to defy the odds. Keep Rooting for Growth!


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