How To Come Back from Setbacks

Certainly, setbacks are inevitable. The very fact, that nothing goes 100% as planned, all the time, seals this pronouncement.

However, as truthful as it is, that setbacks do happen – that doesn’t make them any less unfortunate, discouraging and oftentimes, derailing.

Nonetheless, you can make a comeback from your setbacks – and that is empowering. Although this is no easy fleet, if you are seriously ready to strike and make your comeback, then this is your sign.

Be sure to apply these tips intentionally and as needed in your life. Here’s how to come back from your set backs.

man in black helmet and brown leather jacket getting ready for comeback.
Photo by cottonbro studio on

Giving up on your goal is like slashing your other three tires because one tire got punctured.


Come Back #1: Feel The Thirst and Fire Again

What was your WHY in the first place? This is no rhetorical question. Pause, think and answer. Why were you going after that goal? That very goal you experienced the setback with.

Was it worth it? If it is still worth it, then darling, you have to feel the thirst and fire again.

Let the desire and the drive to attain that goal, wake you up in the mornings and put you to bed at night.

Think about the goal as your oxygen. To make your comeback you have to inhale it… (the oxygen) Will you breathe short, shallow breaths?

Or will you take long, purposeful breaths from your core and expand your diaphragms?!

woman in black and white long sleeve shirt and black pants walking on gray concrete floor
Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Truth is, you breathe differently when you are gearing up to strike; to try again, to get more determined, to make a come back!

In essence, this is making reference to your drive to strike again and make your come back. Clear your airways, get your oxygen and go get ’em!

Comeback #2: Get Better Not Bitter

Ideally, there are many factors that may have resulted in your set back. Some may be minute and simply, unfortunate. While others may be more gruesome and harder to deal with.

Chances are, your setback may have been a result of something you did – or didn’t do and thus, you are dealing with the consequences.

Oftentimes, setbacks can be the fault of others and you may be more bitter about it, than if it was due to a fault of your own.

Nonetheless, holding on to pity or disdain will impede your comeback! You need that energy and attention to focus on getting better!

Get Better

Getting better simply means, inching closer and closer to your comeback. Therefore, you will need to think about – and do the things that will make that possible. Start with assessing your feelings about the setback. You know, to be real and truthful with yourself.

Following that, differentiate what worked well before, from what didn’t. Don’t dwell on the bitter. Engage the better.

In essence, create a system or strategy that is geared towards a better way of going about your goal. Get better and get your comeback!

Come Back #3: Fearless

A presenter who was conducting a seminar on Sales and the skill of Prospecting asked his audience what is the meaning of “fearless.”

As a result, respondents pointed out that it means going after goals without fear or having no fear at all – in whatever the task may be. Many persons think this way.

Nonetheless, the presenter made a common concept all the more unique when he highlighted the two words that spell fearless. They are: fear and less. So then, the fear will come but strive to fear less!

Therefore, you will feel fear at some points in your life. Especially when you have a setback that stirs this and other self belittling emotions.

The aim here is not to be without fear, but to lessen your fear overtime. If you are crippled with fear on route to your comeback, work on diminishing this fear. Once it is in pursuit of your goal – grow fearless and muster your courage as you go along.

You have it within you!

Comeback #4: Invest in Yourself

It’s as plain as that. Invest in yourself. This is one of 5 things you should never feel guilty about.

Comebacks are desired, anticipated even. Sometimes they require more than just the decision to make a comeback. They may mean you have to invest in yourself. Whether this investment comes in the form of utilizing time, energy or resources, it is imperative.

Many persons feel guilty about investing in themselves or simply, don’t see it as a priority.

That is alarming!

Investing in self, is part of getting better. Especially if it is geared toward your comeback.

Are you putting off investing in yourself? If yes, you may be putting off that comeback too!

Come Back #5: Make That Come Back!

There is a great and joyous feeling when one accomplishes a task they had set out. Especially a comeback!

It bolsters your drive and you feel good about yourself. It is the biggest comeback of all! Do you agree? Comment below to let me know.

Basically, you would have overcame and succeeded from your obstacles, to finally achieve what you set out to achieve. What was a setback, is now a comeback… and the biggest com back of all.

Working towards your come back is a healthy way of enhancing a growth mindset. Actually, making your come back signifies that you are growth wise too!

Above all else, you would have done well and ought to be proud. Go forth and keep unlocking new levels of your potential!

Loved this post? Share it with a friend who may be experiencing a set back. You can show some thoughtfulness by sending one of the graphics to their inbox as well. It may cheer them up or put them in action.

Always remember, you are bigger than your set back! Go make that come back darling.


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