How To Be Classy, Ambitious and Successful without Being Arrogant

And how to not be a walk-over either!

On this blog, every once in a while, someone on the rise to being successful comes along… and here you are!

Congratulations on your dedication to your goals! It goes to show just how ambitious you are and the tenacity you have to meeting your targets.

The only concern is this – some persons aren’t able to balance their success with humility. Some don’t even care to! As a result, their ambitions are soon glossed over with arrogance. Others flaunt their success, preferring flamboyance over being classy and timeless. While that isn’t any trouble to me, it certainly isn’t my mode of operation.

By the looks of things, it isn’t your modus operandi either! Is it?

Related Post: Announce Less. Achieve More.

Here are some timeless tips on how to be classy, ambitious and successful without being arrogant nor a walk over.

Keep Level Headed Companions

The old adage is true “show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are.” Perhaps there are exceptions. Nonetheless, we subconsciously replicate our companions, and them – us.

As a result, be mindful of keeping your innermost circle classy and humble no matter how successful you become. Even your most ambitious plans thrive from this kind of level headed approach.

Notwithstanding, take due care not to have your cool composure disadvantaged. While you have no control over it being mistaken for coyness, you have every authority to remind people of your boundaries and your preferences.

I’ve had to ask persons on numerous occasions not to post my photos, possessions nor my plans (if they are aware of them), simply because they may be okay flaunting – when clearly I’m not. How you do something makes the difference though. So be stern, yet gentle. Let that bit of instruction come across in a tactful and kind way.

Related Profile: 3 Amazing Benefits of Keeping a Low Profile

Remember that Status isn’t Permanent

As such, be mindful that tomorrow you can fall from grace! If that thought doesn’t trigger humility, I’m not sure what else will!

Every classy, ambitious and successful person, who is also humble and emotionally intelligent, understands that the seeds they sow now, are the fruits they’ll eat tomorrow.

It therefore means, that arrogance is the axe for those trees. Bask in your confidence because a lack of it does not serve your being successful. However, tread carefully on the thin line between confidence and arrogance.

Related Post: How to Boost Your Confidence.

Take People Along With You Up your Alley to Success

The arrogant person thinks success is limited and perhaps if they hold the door open for others, it may dim their light.

The classy, yet humble person knows its the opposite. Build a river not a reservoir. Let the good flow instead of piling it up selfishly. There’s lots of good to go around.

Whether you mentor, inspire, motivate or share hard resources, remember to have your limits. Remember the Bible story of the Five Wise Virgins? Don’t give away all the oil from your lamp. Remember the story of The Good Samaritan? Don’t withhold assistance when you can help. So what’s the point? Discretion. Don’t be a walk over where your resources are concerned. Utilize discretion tapered by humility.

“Givers must have limits because takers seldom do.”


Constantly Work on Improving Yourself But Avoid Being Arrogant about it

There are plenty ways to level up and improve yourself. You should! That’s a classy act and there are plenty of ambitious ways to go about this self improvement.

Whether you decide to read books, enroll in courses, go back to school, launch your business or even go solo travelling – its entirely up to you! Document it if you wish, share it with others if you want.

Don’t just be awesome and cover it up. That’s not the gist at all.

The caution is to avoid being arrogant and boastful. Why? These traits contradicts humility and opportunities for growth. Growth usually commences from a place of lowliness. Think about the seeds, think about the apprentice, think about the tycoon who was once the coffee boy/girl.

When arrogance overrides your ambitions and your classy tact, your success might be fleeting. Don’t be the bramble, that lights up quickly, burning ever so bright, only to be out in a giphy.

Stay classy, ambitious and successful, without being arrogant nor a walk over!


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