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How to Be a Classy Teacher in Jamaica

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Undoubtedly, some of the most classy people in Jamaica are teachers! Afterall, they are under constant scrutiny from parents and guardians; school administrators; students; and of course John Public. If you are a teacher, and you haven’t quite caught on to the Classy Class, save this read and share it with your colleagues. Here are 12 carefully crafted classy requirements to being… well, a classy teacher in Jamaica.

Classy Teacher Requirement #1: Respect Cultural Norms

A teacher who is aware of, and understands the cultural underpinnings of our island nation, is far on his/her way to being a classy teacher. Our country is big on cultural values such as respect, politeness and courtesy.

These are also values that are taught to students by way of the hidden curriculum (those soft skills and expectations that students are expected to learn from their interactions in a school community, which falls outside the parameters of Math, English etc.) When teachers embrace for themselves these values, it reflects highly on their upbringings and or education. It further transcends into a classy outlook.

Classy teacher requirement #2: Dress Professionally

Believe it or not, like it or not, the way you choose to attire yourself as a professional, especially in the role of a teacher will be the topic of quiet conversations or even the subject line of emails and memos your administrators are drafting. A part of being a classy teacher includes choosing attire that reflects a professional image. In Jamaica, a modest, well groomed outfit is generally appreciated.

While there is much murmur about the difficulty to acquire clothing that meet these expectations on the salary offered, it is even more true that some teachers have not quite matriculated to the level of awareness as it pertains image and personal/professional branding. Even on a low budget, modesty can be achieved.

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Classy Teacher Requirement #3: Effective Communication

Consider all the stakeholders that are part of the school community and use clear and respectful communication to ALL. When you communicate in a clear, crisp way, it reduces the chances of being misunderstood and misquoted. Be sure to communicate with tact, care and confidence. This can be achieved without the need to be arrogant. Be mindful that you mostly communicate with your students at work. Therefore, warmth, friendliness, yet firm and assertive values should be interjected at the right intervals and in the most ideal proportions.

Related Post: How to be Classy, Ambitious and Successful without being Arrogant

Classy Teacher Requirement #4: Embrace Inclusivity

With much certainty, like our Jamaican Motto outlines “Out of Many, One People” our schools are diverse places, yet unity should abound. As a classy teacher, acknowledges and appreciates this diversity. Create and encourage a welcoming classroom environment that celebrates different backgrounds and perspectives. Ensure that your students know where you stand in relation to diversity so that they too will model this energy in their interactions.

Classy Teacher Requirement #5: Maintain Professional Boundaries

Classy people, generally avoid awkward situations, especially the blurring of boundaries. Classy teachers do the same. So then, while it is imperative to build positive relationships with your students, it is critically crucial to maintain professional boundaries simultaneously. As a classy teacher, sure you should be approachable. Yet still, try as best as possible to maintain the authority, integrity and professionalism required for your role. This should be exercised with ALL members of your school community as well as the public, so its not only in relation to students.

Classy Teacher Requirement #6: Cultural Sensitivity

Again, awareness is important. Be mindful of the content you bring across in the classroom and also that which you omit. Your teaching approach should take on a culturally sensitive relevance. Incorporate then, fittingly appropriate literature, references into your lesson planning that will make the learning and teaching experience memorable and relatable. Do a scan of the varying cultures represented in your classroom and take that into consideration the next time you plan lessons and even field trips!

Classy Teacher Requirement #7: Involve Parents and Guardians

A classy teacher will endeavour to foster open lines of communication with parents and guardians. Afterall, the students are children and need the reinforcement from their parents/guardians to sustain the efforts made at school. So then, keep them informed about the progress or lack thereof of their children so they too can keep track of the educational journey. The other requirements such as effective communication and maintaining boundaries apply here too. Whether you communicate face-to-face, via email or over the phone, do so effectively while maintaining your boundaries.

Related Post: 6 Things Jamaican Teachers can do to Reclaim their Me Time

Classy Teacher requirement #8: Continuous Professional Development

As best as you can, without introducing burn-out to your life, stay updated with current teaching methods and educational trends. Attend workshops and professional development seminars/conferences to enhance your teaching skills and overall improvement to the education system and your profile as teacher.

Classy Teacher Requirement #9: Community Engagement

A classy teacher cares about the community he/she serves. Participating in community events and activities is one way to show this. Ensure the interest you show is a genuine one, so that the connections you make with other colleagues, parents and students can be genuine too.

Classy Teacher Requirement #10: Maintain a Positive Attitude

Of a fact, no one likes working with difficult people who are always seeking out problems instead of solutions. A classy teacher’s approach to work is a positive one with a mindset to take on challenges in an adaptable way. Whenever tasks get difficult, try as best as possible to remain constructive and resilient. These are classy qualities and it makes for a better workspace and also a better altitude! Get it? “Your attitude determines your altitude”.

Classy teacher Requirement #11: Be Punctual

The role of a teacher is one which requires and also thrives on punctuality. When you think about it, the school day is scheduled from the start of school to the very end. In a space like this, your punctuality or lack thereof, creates a ripple effect. Arriving late to school may mean you arrive late to class. Not only that, but try to be aware of the time you are scheduled to use so that you do not run over into another teacher’s session. Arrive early to your meetings as well. This timely quality will soon be spread among your students, which is a positive trait for them to have as well.

Classy Teacher Requirement #12: Encourage Critical Thinking

A classy teacher is beyond surface deep. He/she encourages critical thinking among his/her peers/colleagues and students alike. When one is able to express themselves respectfully and with much thought, it reflects well on the institution and the person of course! Let your students know that you expect them to engage in discussions that promote intellectual growth and self expression. When possible, discuss current affairs locally, regionally and internationally. Your students will be delighted and they will tell you how much more brilliant and excited they are for classes, as a result!

A Classy Conclusion:

All in all, remember that being a classy teacher in Jamaica involves a combination of professionalism, and a genuine character, built on respect and care for the community you serve. It is more that just a tag line to be classy, it runs deeper than the surface. A classy teacher knows the importance of his/her influence and act accordingly… you know, classy!

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