woman with glass of water after shower

How to Announce Less & Achieve More

woman with glass of water after shower
announce less

In a world dominated by social media and highlight reels, people literally get high on announcements. Sometimes, these announcements are made before the goal is even accomplished! Talk about being premature. Other times, the goals are hurried into, just so that an announcement can be made. Talk about no longevity. Whatever the case may be, whether on social media or not – what if I tell you, there are ways to announce less and achieve more?

make more moves and announce less.

Here are 5 ways that will show you exactly how to announce less and achieve more:

1. Create an aura of Mystery in Your Life

People like to be in the know. As they say, curiousity kills the cat. However, mystery keeps ’em guessing and keeps you moving. The less you announce, the more enigmatic you will seem and that isn’t such a bad thing.

Therefore, with an aura of mystery one tends NOT to give too much of themselves away. Try it the next time someone strikes up a conversation with you. Answer only what you are asked. And if the questions are probing and invasive of your mysterious allure, politely decline to divulge anything further.

Likewise, if it is you who strikes up a conversation with someone, keep your mysterious appeal. Retain much of your excitement which can be an impetuous to blab.

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2. Hold Yourself Accountable – to your vision board

Many influential people agree that creating a vison board is an excellent way to map your life and accomplish your goals. Once you write things down or even commit yourself to them by crafting photos and timelines in one place, you invariably begin to work more intentionally towards them.

When you begin to accomplish the things on your vision board (which aren’t always short term), certainly you’ll feel good about yourself, you should. Celebrate if you feel up to it -remembering that there are other goals to work on as well.

Oftentimes, others may not understand why you keep going after goals. If they were in your shoes, they’d probably become satisfied and settled. Announcing to them may put out your fire to pursue or in worse case scenarios, build up envy.

Find joy instead, in crossing off or symbolically removing accomplished goals from your vision board. Trust me, people find out what they want to, and they see what you are up to. No need to go making any announcements.

3. Delay sharing your Achievements

Like a meal left to simmer, the flame gets to do a lot more with the flavours.

Make your moves and stack them up. People might be underestimating you because you don’t go running to the spotlight every time you win or accomplish something. Keep working, the look on their faces when they see your weight in gold, will be priceless. Reintroduce yourself, when your empire is accepting tours. Then, they’ll see, your not just the tour guide, but the owner of the throne!

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Marketing professionals seem to know the right time to land those advertisements, so too, you should know when its the right time to reel out those achievements. Let them simmer to bring out the flavours.

4. Avoid Glorifying External Validation

Its a web. Try not to get caught up into seeking attention and validation from others.

The moment you get caught up doing this, you’ll be bent on making even premature announcements just so you can be liked or commended.

When your validation comes from within, you are more likely to earn your ratings from your achievements as opposed to getting your ratings – and potentially loosing it if the external forces change their minds. Yikes!

5. Give Your Lips a Break. Let Your Actions Do the Talking

Yes. You read right. Actions speak louder than words!

Announce less by letting your work and achievements speak for themselves. A lion doesn’t have to tell you its a lion.

When you blow your own trumpet so to speak, your credibility is oftentimes questioned. However, through your achievements and the realization of others – in no time, that bit of news get around quickly like hot bread.

Let them do the announcing, you focus on making the magic happen.

There you have it! 5 ways to show you how to announce less and achieve more.

Stay tuned for more awesome content like this, and be sure to check out the related posts.

Until the next read, keep rooting for growth!


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