clear light bulb planter on gray rock

Here’s How Your Environment Kills Your Growth

clear light bulb planter on gray rock

Many people have acknowledged at one point or the other, the simple truth that change is essential for growth to happen. The downfall to this though, is that very often, the results of change are unknown and it is the uncertainty that paralyses many – from taking the leap. The risk of changing the usual, the known, the comfortable, the complacency, the ‘this is how it has always been’, the risk of unsettling the status quo, permeates the mind so thoroughly – that any thoughts of change, soon become defeated by persuasive self analysis of the feared change. It is John Maxwell that said, “growth thrives in conducive environments” and you’d best believe, the mind can be an environment that kills growth!

We sometimes stifle thoughts of change due to self-debilitating pseudo-encouragements. In other words we talk our selves convincingly, out of intentions to make changes. We tie our identities to what has always been, and what we have always done. Even when our days have become stagnant. Even when our dreams and desires resurface in our thoughts. We yield. And before long growth is hampered – if not killed.

The Mind is An Environment – That Can Kill Your Growth

Why do we keep ignoring the little voice in your minds that screams change? Why do we engender the expectation that the ‘right’ change just falls into our laps? Even when this happens, the people who are unprepared will have to kiss that opportunity good-bye. Prepare for the changes you pray about, lest when they come knocking they find you wanting.

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”


Notably, in fertilizing our minds with growth inducing mantras and allowing our minds to operate in physical environments that encourage our growth, we undoubtedly foster a fertile foundation for the structure of our life’s potential.

Avoid getting complacent. Avoid seeming busy. Yet, unfulfilled, unproductive and unimpactful. Avoid stunting your growth. Avoid latching on to environments and routines that suck you dry, and spit you out worse or even the same as you entered.

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Uprooting a plant to re-pot it is a scary venture. It will appear wilted. It will require dedicated watering. It will seem drooped. It may die – at the leaves, only to spring forth again! When the roots realize they have more room to spread and more territory to soak up nutrients from. It is then that it will flourish.

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New Growth from tree stump.
qinghill on Unsplash

“In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.”

Abraham Maslow

Escape the Environments that Kill Growth

Take charge of the rest of your life. It is more possible than you think. You only need to decide to embrace changes.

“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything else.”

Darius Foroux

On the contrary, if you can change your mind, you can change your life!

Change your mind about your outlook on life. Change your mind about you goals and desires. Change your mind about your environments…and watch your entire life open up before you. The space you’ve been cornered into, will do you no good. Change that environment, change your life!

Above all, keep rooting for growth!

Recommended Song: Shenseea – Sun Comes Up


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