a person s feet stuck on a net

Here Are 5 Practical Tips To Get Unstuck

a person s feet stuck on a net

At this point, you may be masking your displeasure at the state of your growing potential. Perhaps you feel a tinge of jealousy for those seemingly ‘on their way’. Or maybe, you tell yourself ‘its not yet time’ while you do nothing about it. The bottom line is this: you feel stuck, and if you don’t wiggle your way out of there, that’s where you’ll stay. Certainly though, you wouldn’t like that. Here are 5 practical tips to get unstuck.

Ask at least 5 trusted persons to be on the look out for you

Surround yourself with good people. People who are going to be honest with you and look out for your best interests.

Derek Jeter

Have you ever heard the phrase, no man is an island? The same is true for women as well. It basically seeks to normalize seeking help, and being assisted. This is especially true when you are feeling stuck.

Getting unstuck sometimes requires help from others.

Often times, it takes the intervention of others – perhaps through recommendation, information sharing and even introductions to help someone get unstuck. Truth be told, some levels of your growth journey require this kind of bail out. So don’t shy away from seeking confidants to assist with looking out for your best interests. Who knows, they may call you up tomorrow with good news!

Get unstuck through the inspiration of others who were once stuck too!

They say seeing is believing…and people like Oprah Winfrey and Les Brown are good examples of the fact, that success can be born from being stuck.

Certainly though, that success comes about after you’ve become unstuck. Be inspired and seek inspiration from even local persons in your area who have defeated the odds to rise. Surely you can too.

By doing this, you are conditioning your mind to move up! This is imperative, since harbouring doubtful and negative talk is easy when you are feeling down and stuck. So then, when you seek out these inspirations you equalize your mindset.

Do something now, that your future unstuck self will thank you for

A lot of people stay stuck because they cannot see past the ‘now’. They want some money and they want it now. They want a change and several shifts in their life and they want it now. They feel stuck and they want to get unstuck now.

The problem with not being able to see past ‘now’ is that you are less inclined to put in the required work that won’t necessarily pay off now.

Just as how growth takes time… getting unstuck will take some time too. In many cases, its the things you have done, the work you put in, that accumulate to finally getting you unstuck. Avoid thinking of instant gratification. That may only lead to disappointment.

To get unstuck - just start.

Start those courses and classes. Start that business. Start preparing for the job interview you know nothing about yet. Start gathering the information you need, so that when the opportunity presents itself you’ll be ready and won’t be stuck due to a lack of preparation.

Even when you feel stuck, keep going.

Hang out with others who are where you’d like to be

Do the people you spend most of your time with, live the life you are hoping to live when you get unstuck? If not, then…

Someone has some reflection to do.

Call it participant observation. You are actively in their space, learning their way of doing things and can potentially emulate the qualities and habits that keep them growing.

Related Post: How to Find Your Success Zone

By this, it should occur to you that the same is true, if you frequently hang around others who are stuck too.

One way or the other, your growth becomes influenced by the people you spend most of your time with.

Do a little at a time to get unstuck

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

Arthur Ashe

I’ll tell you a story about the Bridgetown Builder, bent on building a wall. He was laying a single block a day. Passersby thought he was crazy. Why didn’t hey lay more? Turns out, he laid them as he got them…which was one block per day. Was he to sit by and wait until he had all the blocks? That he didn’t do. And by the time all the blocks were delivered, he delivered on the wall too!

Aside from the fact that I completely made that up, the message is certainly there.

Getting unstuck requires a little effort at a time. Day in day out. A little progress, a little growth. Then before you know it, you’ll start seeing the bigger picture. To others it may seem as though it happened suddenly. Don’t you mind though, you know the back story.

There you have it. 5 Practical ways to get unstuck. I hope you’ll be inspired to take a leap. Should you need more encouraging content like this one, have a read of the recommended post below.

Recommended Post: 12 Powerful Ways to Become Growth Wise


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