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Free Life Saving Career Quizzes and Tools

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In this post, you’ll find excellent career quizzes and tools to help further your career search or even narrow down your options.

A Big Sister’s Guide to Choosing your Career explained that a particular career field may have dozens of related careers – some you may not have known of.

Sometimes, it is these ‘hidden’ options that propel you to your dream career. And sometimes, its these ‘hidden’ options that are in deed that dream career.

Either way, what’s better than getting a personal assessment to inch you further to making those professional steps and crucial decisions?

Here are a list of sites that provide just the insights you need! Plus career suggestions in your field of interest.


O*NET Interest Profiler

This assessment uses Holland’s R-I-A-S-E-C Interest Structure (Holland, 1985).

Realistic. Investigative. Artistic. Social. Enterprising. Conventional.

It helps you identify your interests as it pertains to work. Also, it will take into consideration your abilities and what you consider important on the job. All this will point to the occupations/career that would best suit your interests, values and abilities.

You can try this assessment here.

Student Interest Survey For Career Clusters

Are you a student with a cluster of careers in mind?

This assessment renders guidance tools that allow student to identify the top three (3) Career Clusters of interest based on their feedback.

Go ahead, take up to fifteen (15) minutes to identify your Career Clusters and the careers you can explore.

Work Importance Profiler

Here’s a question worth thinking about – and answering: What is important to you in a job?

This assessment helps you to determine how much you value things like independence, achievement, relationships, recognition, support and working conditions.

On top of that, you’ll be provided with a list of job options that match these values!


Are you having difficulties deciding on a career?

This Career Decision-making Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ),may be a good start for you.

It is designed to help you with those difficult decisions that are often encountered when deciding on a career. This assessment helps with clarifying the hardships and shares a framework that can help.

Sounds like a good place to start.

difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations desk decor
Hello I’m Nik

ASVAB Career Exploration Program

What is your dream job?

Essentially, this Career Exploration Program helps you to plan and explore!

Who knows, you may even be introduced to careers you never even considered. It includes an aptitude and interest test and provides a link to career options.

See more here.

Take Some Time, Invest in your Future

Take some focused, intentional time to go through one or more of these assessments. You’ll certainly inch closer to some well needed insights on your professional path and career values.

Share with a friend who may need the resources or save to refer back to later.

All the best! And remember to be true to yourself to reflect the most sincere feedbacks!


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