Final Day of My Legal Internship: Last Day, Lasting Impact

It’s here, the 50th day of my legal internship at the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel. Ten (10) weeks down! It’s the final day of my legal internship and a lasting impact indeed.

Just 9 weeks ago, I shared with you how my first week went amidst hurricane Berly. I also shared with you my first year law school exam results and how I was super enthused about the experience to sit in a Joint Select Committee meeting in the House of Parliament, with my supervising attorney.

Today is a bittersweet day. I stopped downstairs the office to say goodbye to each of the wonderful people I’ve had the opportunity to meet and work with. Next, I made the rounds upstairs where I stayed for the internship, to bid farewell.

Legal Internship: A Thursday Surprise

Just yesterday, I was laughing at myself as the attorneys laughed at me playfully – see, I was summoned to the Chief Parliamentary Counsel’s Office. I wondered why. “What might the matter be?” I asked myself as I shuffled in my drawer to grab a notepad and a pen. The notepad wasn’t there, so I quickly reached for the pad of ‘post it notes’ and a pen instead. I hurried over to the office.

It was then that I was relieved. I didn’t see that coming… A wonderful, heartwarming send off with the latest addition to my flower collection – A flower pot with Pink Anthuriums – and a note to me “Wishing you success in your future endeavours.” I was filled with gratitude to know that these people who I’ve worked with and learnt from, for 10 weeks were sharing such positive feedback and wishes. I didn’t need my pen nor the ‘post it notes’ after all!

Anthurium Plant gifted during legal internship.
Gifted: Pink Anthurium Plant from Office of the Parliamentary Counsel Family

After a summer of disappointment and a willingness to keep thriving, it warms my heart to know that Anthuriums are a symbol of strength and perseverance, especially since they are adaptive and can thrive in both cold and warm weather.

Legal Internship: A Time to Clear and A Time to Dare

As a cleared my space, I reflected on all that I have learnt, experienced and done. I returned the Legal Intern Manual as well as files that I was allowed to peruse during my learning.

I cleared the plants gifted to me. They too, will have to move on to a new environment. I am excited to see them flourish in a different space, like I am excited to see myself flourish elsewhere too. All in all, it was an amazing journey and I am happy I stayed the course and completed the internship to the very end.

This summer has taught me that time really does fly, and as a result, making every moment intentional is a fresh perspective to have.

No two days were the same. Some days were more relaxed than others. Some days I was pressed for time. Some days I was navigating learning while doing. Other days I was implementing proudly what I have learnt. Some days I signed letters and dispatched matters to clients. Other days I was back and forth learning from my supervisors and having them vet my work. On many days I was receiving plants! One day I gifted a plant!

Many days I had multiple laughs! Some days I felt bored. Other days I commended myself, for going against the grain and applying to do my internship here. I don’t know it yet, but this journey is shaping me for something wonderful to come.

Today, I bought a book! Memorial Stones – Testimonies of God’s Faithfulness and Provision in Times of Need, Volume II – written by a colleague at the Office, Lona D. Issacs.

There are so many positives around us to explore and experience. I dare to follow my heart; go against the grain; choose the unpopular routes and stay the course even in the face of failure and obstacles, as I work on the woman I am becoming.

A black and silver pen with a quote used during legal internship.
Photo Credit: Fiona DaCosta

As I venture on to write the next chapter of my life, I dare YOU, to go at something that has always interested you. I dare YOU, to finish something you started. I dare YOU, to rise above your failures. I dare YOU, keep rooting for growth!


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