Chin Up. Boost Confidence Now

Rest assured, that your confidence or lack of confidence showcases itself wherever you go. Whether you show up virtually or in person – and even if you do not show up at all!

Evidentially, for something so intangible as confidence, it sure weighs a lot. But why?

Your confidence helps to measure the value the world places on you. Sadly, it seems, being human isn’t enough. Many persons love to judge and believe they are good at it.

As a result, one of the things they look for is your confidence or the lack of it. But that shouldn’t be your drive as to why you want to boost your confidence. Let this desire come from self love, value for self, belief in self and of course – good self esteem. Ultimately, arising from these things, your confidence displays the value you place on yourself. That my friend, is golden. That is what you should strive for.

brown rattan swing bench with cushions

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Alrighty, so now you know why your confidence is essential. Let’s get right into boosting it!

1. Self -Esteem

This one is pretty obvious as I mentioned it earlier and also alluded to it in a previous post. Your self-esteem is a crucial asset when it comes on to boosting your self confidence.

Firstly, it takes a lot of inside work and outside work too! You begin to form a good self esteem when your outlook of yourself reflects value and that you are deserving of good things. Begin to actively speak good about yourself. Practice positive self talk. Make it a habit to accept compliments naturally without downplaying them.

Similarly, if you believe you lost your self-esteem at some point, be sure to pause and reflect to find out why. No matter how badly someone made you feel – that is a reflection of their character, not yours. Take the higher road and do not give in to depreciating your value.

Likewise, if a life event caused you to think lowly of yourself – take time to care for yourself. Then begin to strategize how you can make good of the situation.

Avoid giving/allowing people and things, the power to take your self worth away from you. You guard that. It is less fickle in your hands. When you realize how powerful you are in guarding and maintaining your self esteem, your confidence boosts that very minute.

2. Communicate Well

You may be asking “Isn’t it confident people who communicate well?” That is one way to look on it. Think about it though, they must have made a conscious effort to do so. You can too. The way you communicate can be a huge deal maker… or deal breaker!

After all, it is through communication that we express our selves and are understood. Communicating well can boost your results and your confidence. Let’s zoom in on body language, and speaking.

Have you ever noticed someone reading what is to be, a powerful speech, with little power in their posture or even delivery? The words are there but the confidence isn’t and so – that message fails to resonate with the intended audience.

That’s where body language comes in. Maintaining eye contact and avoiding the urge to slouch can indirectly tell your audience that you are confident (even if you feel shy). In return, they take you seriously and begin to listen.

Resultantly, their interest in your body language and what you have to say, boosts the confidence you had to begin with. You may not always start off confidently, but communicating with good body language can help you to finish confidently.

Also, speak clearly. People may not take you seriously if you speak in a muffled way. Some are not patient nor polite enough to ask you to repeat. So, your requests or ideas may go unnoticed.

Even if you feel shy, speaking clearly can avoid misunderstandings. Which in turn, helps with your confidence. And if you have to speak for a prolonged time, or generally practice wetting your lips with saliva, I recommend using chaps ticks.

They are life savers! Besides, knowing your lips are not dry and cracked is an instant confidence boost! One less think to worry about.

3. Wear Comfortable Clothes and Shoes

person showing pair of brown wicker slip-on slippers

It is no doubt that your clothes and shoes can rob and boost your confidence. The latter is better. The next time you dress, ensure your outfit is appropriate. Appropriate for the occasion, the weather and the environment. That means you will put thought into what you wear.

An obvious confidence robber, is wearing beach attire to a formal forum. Not only would you erode your confidence, but you would also embarrass yourself!

Strive for comfortable clothes and shoes that you do not have to meddle with throughout the day/night. Wearing something too short, may mean you’ll constantly be pulling it down.

Similarly, something too long may may mean you’ll be pulling it up constantly.

When you are comfortable in your clothes and shoes, your confidence accelerates. You do not have to worry about squeezes, faded colours, raveling threads, who’s noticing what, nor the brunt of the weather due to inappropriate attire.

On the flip side, discomfort from your outfit can be obvious to others and painful for you.

4. Maintain your integrity

Nothing screams confidence like knowing your integrity is in check. You practice what you preach and you stay true to your values even when no one is watching. That way, you do not have to be on edge nor worried about someone pulling the curtains on you. You grace a room, a group or even a stage and you ooze confidence. That energy is priceless.

A part of maintaining your integrity is owning your errors whenever you make them. It shows that you are accountable and can be trusted. This boosts the confidence others have in you and also the confidence you have for self.

brown wooden blocks on white surface
Brett Jordan

5. Treat People Well

Treat people well. Not to keep scores and expect anything in return, but to give out the energy you desire for yourself. It is no surprise that you will feel good about yourself knowing that you treated someone well and they were grateful.

That gratitude builds your confidence in a way nothing else will. Ideally, to love others, you first need to love yourself. So treating others well, is a sure way of showing that you treat yourself well too. Another instant boost in confidence!

white and black ceramic cup filled with brown liquid on brown wooden sufface
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