Garlic Shrimp and steamed bammy by the ocean

Birthday Letter to Self, Lunch and Lessons

Garlic Shrimp and steamed bammy by the ocean

I remember stating here, that I created this blog on my Birthday in 2021. As such, we celebrate our growth together and this is one of the best gifts I’ve gifted myself. It allows me to reach people globally, encouraging them to enhance their growing potential. As I too, continue to enhance my growth, I realized some lessons I learnt on my birthday and will share below.

Having written a letter to myself on the eve of my birthday, I reminded myself of how proud I am of me, the goals I have accomplished so far and the woman I am becoming with each breath.

I also prompted myself to take some actions on the day and going forward into the new age🙂 You should try it!

Let’s reflect…

I took myself to Lunch on my Birthday

menu at Gloria's Seafood restaurant.
Jamaican steamed bammy.
Birthday lunch.
Steamed bammy and garlic shrimp.
Garlic Shrimp and steamed Bammy: Birthday Lunch.

Oftentimes, we wait for others to celebrate us. To cheer us on and to give the nod of approval for anything we conjure.

A part of growth is knowing how to be intentional and actually being intentional. So what if all my friends are busy with work? So what if they truly have to prioritize something else? So what if I have grown out of touch with others?

There will be moments along your growth journey when the road will seem lonely, especially if you can see a dream that no one else can comprehend. Many persons give up. Many are too scared of trotting on. Many are too afraid of going alone.

Let me tell you this, you have got to learn to cheer yourself on if you are in the habit of growing and smashing goals. If it means taking yourself to lunch on your birthday, go for it!

Have you tried the Garlic Shrimp and Steamed Bammy at Gloria’s by the Waterfront Downtown Kingston?

Networking and Connecting on my Birthday: I met a lady celebrating hers too!

A huge chunk in the formula for success is networking and connecting.

12 Powerful Ways to Become Growth – Wise

As I sat at the table waiting to be served my order, I heard a lady across the room sharing her gratitude over the phone to persons wishing her a happy birthday.

My interest piqued and within seconds I walked over to wish her happy birthday, sharing that it was also my birthday.

Now that was a sight to see! We did the happy, excited scream then hugged – as though some magnet told us to. It was a one in a million moment. She had her meal earlier before I arrived and lamented that I wasn’t earlier to join her.

I say that, to say this: Growth requires you to step away from your table sometimes. Garner that confidence and courage to meet people and connect. You never know what invitations may be extended nor what invitations you can extend.

Making Big Moves on my Birthday!

In this post: Announce Less, Achieve More I shared the benefits of living a life without the need to be making highlight reels and announcing everything. Take a look.

You’ll understand then, my decision to not announce those big moves just yet. Although, I will tell you, that using the time on my birthday to run these errands means that I am serious about the major goals I have been working on.

Bear in mind that at all times you should:

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

C. S. Lewis.

The moves you make today, are helping to secure the goals you wish to accomplish tomorrow.

Here’s a big lesson I learnt while running those errands on my birthday:

Opportunities may come knocking at your door… and when you open up you realize its not your opportunity. What would you do then? Close the door? Grab the opportunity even though its not yours? What did I do?

Here’s the story.

I called a taxi (using the taxi service) some persons use Uber so you too will get the gist. I shared my location and where I was headed. The operator took my number and told me “5 minutes”.

Soon after a driver from that company called. He got my number like they do from the operator. The trouble though is that- that the driver wasn’t the one to pick me up! What a mistake.

I called the company and explained and within minutes that was sorted and the driver for me got my number and called that he was close by.

So, back to the point about having an opportunity knock but then you realize that its not for you. If I had gone with the first driver, I would have been taken to somewhere my goal for the day would not have been actualized. If I had shut the door, in the sense that I avoided calling the company, others would have been affected and I would too. Instead, we have to learn how to re-direct opportunities.

Sometimes, in doing that, we clear the way for our true opportunities that take us closer to our goals!

A Wave of Changes

(Ignore caller in background 🙂 ha ha )

Sometimes in the waves of change, we find our direction – Unknown.

A birthday is most certainly a change. A change in age and a change in many other things too. I trust that, with this change I’ll continue to find directions leading me to growth.

With that, be encouraged. Whatever change you may have at hand now. The waves may be rough, they may be smooth… keep sight of your goals. Be intentional. Get out there and live in the moment. Don’t wait around for growth.

Alarming Signs You’re Headed Down the Wrong Path

Keep going! Keep rooting for growth.

And if you are celebrating your birthday:

Happy Birthday to you!


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