black woman with pupils in classroom

Being a Teacher in Jamaica: What are the Pros?

black woman with pupils in classroom

Aside from the long, PAID summer vacation that teachers are envied for, what other pros are there for a Teacher in Jamaica? Let’s get into the very many benefits of being a teacher in Jamaica. Without beating around the bushes, here are the top 7 pros of being a teacher in Jamaica.

Related Post: Cons of Being a Teacher in Jamaica

Benefit of Being a Teacher in Jamaica #1: Paid Summer Vacation

Obviously, the first one was mentioned earlier. Still, let’s give it some context. More often than not, the academic year begins in September of each year and ends about the last few days in June. That said, the teaching period is basically 10 months. In the months of July and August, teachers and students alike, bask in the much anticipated Summer Holidays.

Throughout the Summer vacation, like clock work – teachers are paid their monthly salaries the same time each month. All of it. Its like nothing happened. Except of course, something did happen. They went on holiday!

So why exactly does this happen? I have a few theories, but hey, perhaps I’m mistaken. Look at it this way. What if teachers were not compensated during those two months? They would be out of a job! No income! Surely, they still have expenses and dependents during these two months. They would perhaps seek out employment elsewhere. Then- when the school year resumes in September, they would be otherwise employed! That would be rough for recruiters and the education system at large. It seems then, like the perfect compromise to retain teachers. Besides, many of them are still occupied with school related meetings and other matters during this time.

Either way, kudos to them, paid vacation is a luxury.

Not only that, but this help wit h feeling refreshed and relaxed.

Another Perk of Being a Teacher in Jamaica #2: You Get to Leave Work Before 4!

Although this means that your day is pretty much started earlier than the average professional, you get to beat that 5:00 PM traffic and soak up the rest of the daylight on your way home. Some corporate jobs in Jamaica pretty much end at 5:00 PM. Others 4:00 PM.

As a teacher in Jamaica, you may even get to leave as early as 2:30 PM. This should be approached with caution though. Even though the students are dismissed by this time, there is usually another hour to go before teachers can leave. (You know, administrative tasks plus scheduled meetings etc.) Anything before that, its best to speak with your relevant supervisors to ensure this is okay.

Benefits of Being a Teacher in Jamaica #3: You Get Random Gifts + Planned Gifts Too

Yes, you read that right. Think about it, on a daily basis, teachers interact with dozens and even hundreds of students, plus their colleagues and even parents. Somewhere along those interactions, there is a big chance that you are impacting the lives of people who will either surprise you with gifts or tell you of their plans to gift you.

I know of a teacher who was gifted over five pairs of new shoes by a parent who bought them overseas just for her! Similarly, there are teachers who are gifted heartfelt notes and trinkets by their students! Be prepared to accept random gestures of candy giving too! To add to that, even colleagues gift each other thoughtful tokens of appreciation.

Sure, the typical Teacher’s Day attracts its own kind of buzz. However, even outside of that particular day, teachers in Jamaica are gifted quite often.

Perks of Being a Teacher in Jamaica #4: You get Paid to Mark SBAs

This wasn’t always the case. However, teachers are compensated now for the time, effort and guidance that goes into multiple drafts of School Based Assessments (SBAs) before the final draft is ready. Arguments put forward here, suggests that the body responsible for marking SBAs, Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) has been reaping the benefits of the unpaid labour of teachers for far too long. A position that clearly, effected some amount of change.

While this is more ‘fair’ than it is a perk, teachers before this stance did not reap this opportunity. So it certainly should be considered a benefit now.

Benefits of Being a Teacher in Jamaica #5: Quite Literally Interacting With and Impacting the Next Set of Leaders

It is such an amazing pleasure, guiding students not only in their lessons, but also in their overall pursuit of excellence.

Related Post: Mistakes I Made as a First Year Teacher in Jamaica

When teachers show up to their students’ competitions, write them letters of recommendation, share a motivational message with them or even provide references for their many interests and ambitions – it truly has a far reaching impact on their lives!

perks of being a teacher in Jamaica
Santi Vedri on Unsplash

Indeed, our children are the future. The interactions we have with them all add up and in some way or the other, help guide our future leaders along. This is certainly on of the biggest benefits the teaching career affords teachers.

Perks of Being a Teacher in Jamaica #6: Did Someone say Field Trips?

Alina Nichepurenko

Yeeeesss! Teachers get out of the mundane day to day quite often. Whether its a field trip for the students or an outing with staff. There is never a dull term!

Arguably, teachers tend to enjoy field trips as much as their students. Aside from the planning, organization and overseeing, teachers get to dress oh so casually, don their shades, and relax as someone drives out of town or into town!

This is especially fun if its a staff outing. The vibes is usually fun and anticipatory. Playful banters, betting the Math teachers will soon start talking about Math, betting the History teachers will soon start talking about History and also bragging that your conversation is nothing related to what you teach!

The bottom line is that, as teachers, the perk of getting outside the usual work environment is a must comes about quite often – cease the adventure!

Pros of Being a Teacher in Jamaica #7: Professional Development Seminars

Christina on Unsplash

Many schools plan seminars specially designed with teachers in mind, catering to their professional development. These seminars span topics like estate planning; branding; training in certain software programs; teaching strategies and even subject related coaching.

Related Post: How to Be a Classy Teacher in Jamaica

Activities such as these, play an important part of having rounded teachers that are empowered to inspire their students and give the very best of themselves where their duties and responsibilities are concerned.

Pros of being a teacher in Jamaica…

There you have it folks, 7 benefits of being a teacher in Jamaica.

Related Post: Cons of Being A Teacher in Jamaica

Are you a teacher and have more benefits to share? See you in the comments!


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