
Author: Fiona

  • Silly Mistakes I Made as a First Year Teacher in Jamaica

    Silly Mistakes I Made as a First Year Teacher in Jamaica

    With the Summer Holiday winding down, it is imperative that teachers do some extended reflection on the past academic year so that they can be ready to maximize on the new school year ahead. Like many teachers in Jamaica and the world over, back to school isn’t just about shopping, but also about creating systems […]

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  • 6 Things Jamaican Teachers Can do to Reclaim their ‘me-time’

    6 Things Jamaican Teachers Can do to Reclaim their ‘me-time’

    Life as a teacher can be hectic on any level of the educational ladder, whether you are a teacher in Jamaica or somewhere else in the world. This is especially true for teachers who serve in other capacities at school, at home and even in their communities. Even without much added responsibility, the tasks of […]

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  • Relaxing Ways To Spend An Evening After Work

    Relaxing Ways To Spend An Evening After Work

    You work hard. You should contemplate excellent ways to wind down as well. Provided that you work in the daytime, and have more flexible evenings, here are some relaxing ways to spend an evening after work. Soak Your Feet Don’t just put them up. Get yourself some warm water in a basin or tub. Add […]

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  • 3 Amazing Benefits of Keeping A Low Profile

    3 Amazing Benefits of Keeping A Low Profile

    You may seem like the odd one out – perhaps in fact you are! In a good way though. Plenty people these days strive on interactions behind highlight reels and making announcements to their concocted communities of likers, followers, viewers and commenters. Its a good life, they may believe. Showing and telling even the last […]

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  • How to CRUSH Your Goals and Look like a Beauty

    How to CRUSH Your Goals and Look like a Beauty

    Work’s tough, but you have to soften up… Don’t take it personal. Actually, you should! This is your life and there comes a time when your goals and work get overwhelming. Not only that, but you begin or even continue to neglect your self care. Then, before you know it – you’re working like a […]

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