brown paper envelope on table

An Offer From Norman Manley Law School in Jamaica

brown paper envelope on table

Hi there, welcome! This is the very first post of a series of blogs that will document my journey through law school in Jamaica, while also sharing tips and tales that may help you along your journey -if perusing law is something you have contemplated or currently completing. For this blog, I’ll share how Norman Manley Law School in Jamaica makes you aware of an offer to study there. But first, allow me to bring you up to speed to this point where I was made aware of an offer letter.

Offer letter to Norman Manley Law School in Jamaica

If you are new here, take a look around to learn more about the Best Jamaican Blogger on Growth! (Me!) A self acclaimed title you may think, but really a manifestation for me.

How To Get to Norman Manley Law School in Jamaica

I figured this would be a good place to start. Many Jamaicans aspire to become attorneys, or as we Jamaicans say, Lawya. The first step of course would be to enroll in a college/university that offers an accredited Law Degree. In my instance, I enrolled at The University of the West Indies, Mona in Jamaica. This was during my 6th form year in high school. You’ll often hear that subjects in the humanities (History, English Literature, Social Studies etc.) are essential as prerequisites. While these aren’t the only academic considerations, they are important.

I would advise though to check constantly the Faculty of Law’s website, call in or ask your mentor for guidance. Since Law is offered at the 6th form level in many high schools in Jamaica, this is an excellent stepping stone to take… to get into The University of the West Indies (UWI), whichever of the campuses you choose. (If you’re not planning to pursue your legal studies in Jamaica, this post may not be of much assistance to you since its from my perspective as a law student in Jamaica).

Related Post: Court Room Adventure of a Law Student in Jamaica

The Faculty of Law at UWI in Jamaica

Once you are accepted and you register…then you can officially call yourself a ‘law student’. Congratulations.

Remember though, this post will focus on how Norman Manley Law School makes you aware of an offer to study and train there.

I still however want to share this post with you that I wrote a while back. Its basically about how I grew from the experience of having to pause my studies at UWI (Faculty of Law) for not 1 but 2 whole years.

Take a look here. “Two Years Later, She Catches Up With the Law.”

Fast forward, not only have I completed reading for my Bachelor of Laws Degree, but I have now been informed by Norman Manley Law School that I can pick up an offer letter! Let’s resume here.

My First Communique from Norman Manley Law School

I was at work on morning on a short break, when I stopped to check my email. There was an email from the law school regarding the distribution of offer letters. It outlined that they were available for pick up. It would then be up to the applicant to accept the offer or decline same. Other details included were pertaining to tuition costs, mandatory incidental fees, payment dates and options, registration and ultimately the commencement date for the program.

I was relieved to hear from Norman Manley Law School

Here’s why not… I had not even the slightest shadow of doubt that I would have been accepted.

Related Post: 5 Ways I’m Preparing for Law School in Jamaica

Nonetheless, its the lack of information on my part that kept me anxious. I remember some months ago, after hand delivering my application package – that I asked the receptionist about the turn around time to have updates on the application status. She advised a month which I thought was so far way. Nonetheless, I would wait. That’s what I told myself… until I started searching the internet for insights. However, there wasn’t much.

Perhaps previous law students were too busy studying or ‘being law students’ to make any insights available on the internet! 🙂

Ha ha. That’s partly why I’ve decided to add this series of Law Growth to the blog. To help interested persons stay aware and informed and chiefly to keep enhancing their growing potential as aspiring law students or those already on there way.

If you haven’t yet taken the time to read more about me, you may do so here. Its not legal advice but it sure is worthwhile Get to know who is behind the blog and what this space is about.

One thing is for sure, if you are committed to unlocking the best version of yourself through personal and professional growth, you’ll like it here.

Its 3 Days until I collect the offer letter from Norman Manley Law School

That’s the case since applicants were asked to visit on different days and times in alphabetical order. Turns out, I’m in the first batch!

Interested to see what happens next?

Visit again! You may even subscribe to get the latest posts as they are published. Whatever you decide to do, ensure that you keep rooting for growth!

Recommended Read: How To Become an Attorney-at Law in Jamaica.


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