young girls sitting on the couch while looking at each other

A Big Sister’s Guide to Choosing Your Career

young girls sitting on the couch while looking at each other

So many persons are very unsure of what career paths they intend to choose.

Some are already on paths they aren’t quite interested in anymore.

Many others are going with the wind, landing wherever it blows.

woman in black long sleeve shirt using macbook

While there’s no shame in not being 100% sure of what exactly you want to be in the professional sense – you shouldn’t pass on opportunities that help you with exploring interests.

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Exploring Career Interests

Before you explore, you’ll want to at least have an idea of your interests, values, talents and skills.

That way, you’ll know for sure what career you’ll be able to tolerate and do on a day -to -day basis, without feeling conflicted.

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Notably, when your interests, values and talents are aligned with your career and professional life, it makes what you do more worthwhile. The opposite is also true.

There are a variety of ways to explore interests and its never too early nor too late!

Let’s imagine for a moment that you are interested in complex toys and you have developed the skill to take them a part and put them back together well.

person holding blue and black plastic toy
ThisisEngineering RAEng

Who knows, maybe you were born talented in that area! Sooner than later, you’ll feel the need to value this sort of activity, linking it to a possible career in engineering.

But, is being an engineer really what you want? Is it the best option for ?

Go On…

Oftentimes, there is this tendency to think of mainly the primary careers in a particular field.

I don’t blame you. This idea populates the media. Sometimes the very people giving career advice sing only on the spotlighted career in what is actually a wide field of similar careers.

Possibly, you nor them know of the myriad of opportunities in that very same field – that would match your interests, values, talent and skills.

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Spotlight or Being True to Self?

This is where the real meat of the matter begins when considering exploring interests.

You want to learn for yourself what is it that you are absolutely interested in.

You want to know for sure, that your choices are not based on what the spotlight is on; what is popular; or what has been expected of you all this time.

Do This:

Research or even ask around – about all the various career options in a particular career field.

For example, there are more than a few career options in the Insurance Industry. If this field is of interest to you, learn about them, so you’ll have a better glimpse of what you truly want to stick with.

Similarly, the Legal Field is absolutely vast. However, most people put the spotlight on Lawyers. While you may have interests and skills linked to this field, it won’t necessarily mean you’ll be happy being an attorney… throughout your entire practice.

Take the Medical Field for example. There are surgeons, nurses, specialists in a plethora of field etc. Those we expect to see.

But have you thought about an attorney in the medical field!?

Surprise, surprise, surprise. Interests may conflict and they may also comfort!

This is why it is important to be on the lookout constantly. With research, asking questions of the persons in these capacities etc. you broaden your perspectives and explore your interests.

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Ideally, you’ll want to start an ongoing survey of the sorts. A real time, intentional survey.

So then, you’ll be enrolling for internship opportunities!

These internships need not be long, nor do they have to be with fortune 500 companies.

Just ensure that they are legitimate in offering you needed insights of the career/ career field you intend to usher yourself into.

man holding glass door
LinkedIn Sales Solutions

Likewise, you can keep a close tab on the careers/career filed/specialties when they come up in the news. You can keep up to date on their websites too.

This gives you a focused and intentional chance at seeing more closely how they operate and which appeals to you in a special, true to self way.


Even if you have already started and settled in one career – once you feel like there’s something missing, or something else worth fulfilling, you can keep exploring your interests too.

Many people become stuck and some decide to stay stuck.

Avoid this common phenomenon of staying stuck in a career that you feel stifled and unfulfilled by.

While it is true that not everyone is interested in growth and reaching their full and true potential –

It is also true that there is a breaking point – a point at which one decides that all the things holding them back should be less powerful than the things that will propel them forward.

Say This Loudly for those in the Back…

You don’t have to get your perfect career right NOW.

Some people do – right away.

However, that may not be the reading on your fortune cookie – and that is okay!

Look on the Bright Side

Exploring career options is a clear indication that you are not limiting yourself to what the norm is – or what is expected.

It also means you are tuning in to your interests, values, talents and skills.

And with each new adventure, you may sharpen them even more, to the point where you find the perfect career fit.

Don’t Get Me wrong

You are not being encouraged to play hop scotch with your life nor career. That is far from the crux of the matter.

Instead, explore interests with the career filed that you are most drawn to.

Just remember that there are many careers in that field.

Some of them, you may already know about, some you may not know about at all – and maybe, there are specializations that you need to consider too.

All in All

Don’t box yourself in. Don’t just go with the flow either.

Go against the grain and really become in tune with who you are and who you feel most inclined to become -you owe yourself that much.

Keep in mind, that change is inevitable and it is also okay. There’s nothing wrong with changing interests and exploring different ones.

That’s actually a good way to not STAY stuck and unfulfilled.

Whatever you do – keep you interests, values, talents and skills in mind.

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Be sure to also read: Free Life Saving Career Quizzes and Tools.


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