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Category: Professional Growth

  • How to Be a Classy Teacher in Jamaica

    How to Be a Classy Teacher in Jamaica

    Undoubtedly, some of the most classy people in Jamaica are teachers! Afterall, they are under constant scrutiny from parents and guardians; school administrators; students; and of course John Public. If you are a teacher, and you haven’t quite caught on to the Classy Class, save this read and share it with your colleagues. Here are […]

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  • Law School + Being a High School Teacher in Jamaica

    Law School + Being a High School Teacher in Jamaica

    It’s a challenge. Let’s just start there. A worthwhile challenge though. I read somewhere once, that anything worth having, is worth going uphill for. In essence, the climb up a hill is hard, much like the two roles combined (Law student at Norman Manley Law School in Jamaica and a High school Teacher), however, the […]

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  • Silly Mistakes I Made as a First Year Teacher in Jamaica

    Silly Mistakes I Made as a First Year Teacher in Jamaica

    With the Summer Holiday winding down, it is imperative that teachers do some extended reflection on the past academic year so that they can be ready to maximize on the new school year ahead. Like many teachers in Jamaica and the world over, back to school isn’t just about shopping, but also about creating systems […]

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  • 6 Things Jamaican Teachers Can do to Reclaim their ‘me-time’

    6 Things Jamaican Teachers Can do to Reclaim their ‘me-time’

    Life as a teacher can be hectic on any level of the educational ladder, whether you are a teacher in Jamaica or somewhere else in the world. This is especially true for teachers who serve in other capacities at school, at home and even in their communities. Even without much added responsibility, the tasks of […]

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  • Must Have Outfits for Teachers in Jamaica – All Year Round

    Must Have Outfits for Teachers in Jamaica – All Year Round

    No more rushing to leave school early just so you can go procure an outfit for a school function tomorrow! Its time to revolutionize your wardrobe by planning ahead. So, skip the anxiety and the planned absences – all because you didn’t secure outfits. Here’s a rundown of the must have outfits for teachers in […]

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