photo of woman standing on sunflower field

Category: Personal Growth

  • How to Defy the Odds and Glow Up Just the Same

    How to Defy the Odds and Glow Up Just the Same

    Anything worth while is uphill, and usually the climb uphill is never easy. Rather, an odd filled one requiring determination and resilience. As a result, few endure. A plethora of reasons may be cited as to why many abandon the uphill journey, however, this post will highlight those ways in which you can defy the […]

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  • Somebody Paid Me for My Skill. Deposit Made in Advance

    Somebody Paid Me for My Skill. Deposit Made in Advance

    How often do you get paid to do something you are good at? You know, something that isn’t included in your day job, but you’ve been recognized for doing it well. Plus, you enjoy and feel most alive when you are executing this skill. That’s exactly the case for me. Somebody paid me for my […]

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  • I Think I’ll Be a ‘Savage’ in the New Year, Here’s Why:

    I Think I’ll Be a ‘Savage’ in the New Year, Here’s Why:

    ‘Nice’ is such a bland word. I don’t aspire to be ‘nice’. Nice gets manipulated, pressured and unfairly compensated. For the past few years, I’ve been actively working on my ‘tell it like it is’ attitude. You know, saying ‘NO’ more often and getting used to disappointing people if it means protecting myself from burnout […]

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  • Why Most People Fail at Personal Growth – Are you Next?

    Why Most People Fail at Personal Growth – Are you Next?

    The path to personal growth is a transformative one, that holds bountiful rewards for those who dare to press on. Staying the course, promises a more fulfilling life, which plenty Jamaicans yearn for on a daily basis. However, for many Jamaicans and people the world over, this journey remains an evasive one. A moving target […]

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  • The Simple Truth About My Zen Aura

    The Simple Truth About My Zen Aura

    To be zen requires sanity. The type of sanity that allows you to muster your courage and grace the world as though all is well. Although, nothing is ever all well, where we mortals are concerned. Yet still, there is a sense of control that you feel, as you go through your day, relying on […]

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