silhouette photography of jump shot of two persons

7 Effective Habits of Successful People that could Change your Life

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When you think of successful people, you may be tempted to think of fame and riches. Although you wouldn’t be wrong, you wouldn’t be entirely right either.

Successful people are simply – achievers in something that was once a goal or a plan. Many persons taste of success at some point in their life, whether they consider it miniscule or mega.

Who knows, even you may have succeeded at something in the last few days. Yippee!

man jumping on the middle of the street during daytime
Andre Hunter

This post then, is not necessarily on how to be successful because success is relative and vary from person to person and goal to goal.

Regardless of this, there are some effective habits of successful people right across the board, that could change you life! For the better that is, (if it wasn’t already clear 🙂

>>>How to find your Success Zone

Success is relative and vary from person to person and goal to goal.

rooting for growth with Fiona DaCosta

1. Successful People Intentionally Limit Distractions

Your ability to limit distractions is crucial to your success in whatever field or task you are pursuing. This is because the world is a busy place and there is always something happening somewhere, somehow.

Especially with the advent of social media and instant communication, it is increasingly more challenging to stay focused. Limiting distractions can be as subtle as turning off phone notifications until you have met a target or as drastic as divorcing friends!

Nubelson Fernandes

Distractions are tricky though, and not always easy to elude. That’s why many times, it takes the best of the best to limit them. Since distractions come even in an empty room you’ve designated to yourself, its important to start with the mind.

That way, you program yourself to identify people, activities, spaces and even thoughts that may pose as distractions for whatever objective you have at the moment. When you’ve identified them, try coming up with effective ways to limit them. These solutions don’t have to be rocket science.

Don’t take it for granted that updating a friend that you are working on a project and today isn’t the best time to visit may be effective in limiting the distraction that visit would have otherwise posed. No offense.

Look out for distracting opinions too!

successful people limit distracting opinions

You will never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks.

Winston Churchill

2. Successful people feel the discomfort in networking BUT they do it anyway

Networking can be uncomfortable, even for extroverted people. That’s because its easier to to stick to your own little tribe and vibe along with them, than to go out and communicate with groups of people you may have never connected with before.

While sticking to your tribe is fantastic (smirk) a part of personal growth also includes communicating with, and learning from others who may not be your close circle. That’s where networking comes in (linkedIn).

two men hugging on focus photography
Erika Giraud

Oftentimes, networking requires you to extend or accept invitations to connect. Sometimes too, you may be required to insert your presence in spaces. Ensure that either way, the intended connection is in keeping with your core values and positively enhances your growth.

Surely, you may be uncomfortable meeting new people or engaging in elevator pitches but if its part of the process to meet your goals – feel the discomfort and do it anyway!

3. Successful People Improve their Skills

Its a given – if you have skills you ought to be improving them. That’s one sure habit that could change your life.

blue and green glass jars
Raimond Klavins

What’s the use ignoring your skills or not sharpening them? Unless you are not in the business of growth and improvement, this should be a call for concern.

Considering that your skills, in many cases help get a ‘foot through the door’ and in other cases, give you that ‘edge’ it makes sense to sharpen these ‘tickets’ to success.

Read how your skills help you succeed.

4. They put in a little work day after day

There’s a saying in Jamaica “work can’t dead,” what this means is that since you can die you shouldn’t work so hard as to kill yourself – after which the work will still be there!

So then, a little work each day will certainly add up to the desired outcome.

This is a direct contrast to sitting around waiting for a “big break” that may never come or may not be so big.

Another Jamaican saying “every mickle mek a muckle” rings true. It means that every small bit adds up to something great or enough. Putting in a little work day after day, will certainly enhance the realization of the overall objective.

person holding basket with berries

“Every mickle mek a muckle.”

Jamaican proverbs

5. Successful People Value their Time

The quality of your life encompasses what you do daily. And what you do daily depicts how you use your time.

To score well in the quality of your life, you better start valuing your time. When you value your time, you show others how to treat with it as well.

In addition, you become more selective of what you do – if you do it at all and how you order your priorities to reflect the value they have and the time to be allotted to them.

yellow alarm clock at 10 10
Laura Chouette

Also, in valuing your time, you tend to focus more time on the things that really matter in your life, giving you a chance to feel fulfilled and contented.

6. Successful People Seek Mentorships

Every now and again, a handful of people tribute their success to themselves. Self-made they say.

Who knows, that’s possibly – entirely – true. Or maybe, its not.

Either way, at some point in time, people need shoulders to stand on and cry on too. Besides, the law of modelling is on point that its hard to improve when you have no one but yourself to follow. This doesn’t mean you should copy others or negate being yourself.

However, modelling the mentorship, coaching and advice from people who have experiences in the direction you are heading is a great way to learn from mistakes before you even make them! If you even end up making them (que some sarcasm).

7. Successful People Implement Systems

They find ways that not only work efficiently, but also get results.

This may take some exploration, experiment and documentation. Then some observations and analysis to finally implement the system that works best for the task at hand.

In essence, one must understand, that even though many things happen by chance, a whole lot happen through the implementation of systems too.

Its like a student, crafting methods of studying to see which works best. Its like a working parent, strategizing ways to balance home and work life + the kids.

When you take the time to implement systems, you are more likely to be successful at the objective at hand. Just ensure you keep analyzing your systems to see what works and what needs improvement.

That’s a Wrap

Remember, success is relative and vary from person to person.

For me, success is finishing this article so I could finally share it with you!

On a more serious note, whatever success you are aiming for, rest assured that these 7 Effective Habits of Successful People, can in fact change your life! For the better! 🙂

All the best now.


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