6 Job Seeking Mistakes You Might Be Making

Becoming gainfully employed is one common thing that a lot of people look forward to. For some, it is the road to financial independence. For others, it is an avenue for experience and time management.

Whatever your reason is for wanting to find a job -I commend you. That is an ambitious desire. And I hope you find one – you love!

Whether you are seeking to become temporarily or permanently employed, there are a few things to bear in mind.

Even if you were previously employed, and now need to start the process over, don’t take anything for granted. Preparing for the professional world is not to be taken lightly.

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Here are 10 common mistakes to avoid on your job search (in no particular order). There are also tips on what to do instead.

Mistake #1: Sending your outdated Resume

white printer paper beside silver laptop computer

Please stop hasting to send out your resume! Especially if you haven’t made any edits in a while. Your resume precedes you, before you are invited to an interview. Except for situations where you are told to take your resume to the interview or simply – hired on the spot. You may be tempted to quickly locate and send the soft copy or print and submit the hard copy without even a second glance.

As a result, you may miss spelling errors, alignment errors, or even miss out on updating your contact information! Imagine that! Of a fact, job seeking can be tedious and overbearing at times. There are plenty persons sending out more resumes each day – than there are hours in a day.


However, make it a habit to create and review a checklist. maybe two. One for the job you are applying for and a general one. Each job opportunity may require you to edit your resume differently. So having a checklist for the requirements, help you to score well.

Also Having a general resume checklist (grammar, dates, references, updated achievements etc.) helps to make the process more seamless.

Speaking of references, please ensure your references are up to date. Up to date in many ways. Firstly, confirm with them that they are (still) willing to endorse you.

Check in on them to ensure they are not ill or sadly, haven’t passed. If you’ve been using a particular reference for a while now, be sure that they still think highly of you and would speak good on your behalf.

When you have made your relevant checks and edits, save your resume where it is easily identified, located and can be edited. And if you carry your resume around, ensure it is placed neatly to avoid tears, soils and getting dog-eared.

Mistake #2: You Do Not Follow UP

The fortune may just be in the follow up! You do not want to come across as annoying or desperate though.

Nonetheless, there is certainly no problem with following up. So, how exactly should you? The truth is, that varies and is dependent on your expected employer. Become aware of the business hours. Avoid calling or visiting too soon to the opening, lunch and closing hours.

Most likely, these times may be inconvenient for obvious reasons. Calling about half an our to an hour after the opening may be good. And you can always ask for an ideal day and time to call back.

Remember, I am no expert where this is concerned. So don’t take it as gospel. However, I have been in situations where I was on both ends (accepting follow ups and actually following up) and that strategy worked for me. You can try it too. You can also comment to let other Rooters know what your follow up strategy looks like.

Similarly, your follow up may be done by email. Be sure you address it to the right persons. This brings us to the next point.

people inside high-rise building with concrete wall

Mistake #3: You Communicate with the Wrong People/Departments

This one happens very often. After all, it is easy to think that everyone who works at a particular place is tasked with responding to your emails or phone calls. It is quite the contrary.

Additionally, each person and department has their roles and tasks outlined. Fittingly, try as best as possible to get contact names, numbers and emails for persons in the human resource department.

They primarily deal with job applications. It is understandable that not all places are formally designed to include this department. In situations like those, query (if you do not already know) who are the ideal persons to get in touch with.

Likewise, if there is a receptionist or an operator system in place, you may be able to be directed to the relevant person (s). Be respectful and speak clearly to the receptionist. They are your ticket to getting directed to the ideal persons. Remember to get the correct spelling for names and do not be afraid to ask again for a bit of information that wasn’t clear.

Mistake #4: You Doubt and Reject Yourself

Avoid doubting and rejecting yourself. Give it a go! Particularly when it comes on to your job search. The very same persons sitting at the executive level were at your level at one point – seeking a job. They never ever knew it all. They applied themselves, embraced challenges and certainly had some belief in self – somewhere along the way.

Of a fact, you may be daunted by the job description. You may doubt yourself where emphasis is on certain skills or assets. Telling you that won’t ever happen, would be misleading. It does happen.

Regardless, shake the doubt quickly and send in your application just the same. It’s one thing to feel the doubt and succumb to it. It’s an awesome thing to feel the doubt and give it a go anyway!

That doesn’t mean you should neglect to grow in areas that will propel you in getting hired. Continue working on yourself. Take extra courses if it’s necessary. Ask questions and be open to learning. Practice and sharpen skills. By doing these things you boost you chances of getting hired. These can be done on the job too, so be sure not to reject yourself. Give it a go!

Mistake #5: You Miss Out on Details

Some opportunities you miss on your job search are as a result of this. Countless times, persons see a job they are interested in and they plan on applying when they “get some time.” Then when they do get the time – the deadline passed. They hadn’t noticed it before.

Similarly, you may get everything in order to meet the deadline then realize the location is miles or seas away from home. While some persons may not have a problem moving tonight, that may be inconvenient to others.

Another detail you may miss is an interview or audition date. Missing these dates is like crossing that opportunity off your list.

A quick guide to keeping a keen eye out for details is to always check: when, where, time and other details crucial to the application. And if you are indeed interested in an offering, schedule time to review the details.

Mistake #6: No Extra Eyes Looking Out

person reading while holding white ceramic mug
Mattias Diesel

Sure, you won’t want everybody knowing you are searching for a job. Nobody wants everybody knowing everything! However, seek out person you trust and who are willing to keep an eye out for you – should an opportunity arise. Sometimes, it’s these extra pair of eyes that actually gets the job done!

To add, let the persons you decide to ask, know exactly what you are seeking. Also, let them know what you are willing to take on in the meantime too.

Very often, your dream job/experience may not be the first job/experience you get. That’s okay. Always keep that dream in mind and work towards it everyday. Sometimes, it is through these experiences that you will get connections or even resources for your dream experience.

I hope you found these pointers useful. Take what applies to you and apply the recommendations to your next job search.

Should you know of anyone who may benefit from reading this – be their extra pair of eyes and share it with them.

Until next time, all the best! keep rooting for growth!


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