6 Easy Self Care Ideas With Excellent Results

photo of gel candle on board beside pillow
Alisa Anton on Unsplash

I am tremendously happy that you are here. As simple as it may seem, your interest in this topic reflects the idea that you value yourself enough to incorporate selfcare in your life! That, is amazing and you will be blown away by the 6 easy self care ideas with excellent benefits that I will share with you. This will include the rejuvenating, hydrating avocado face mask that I can’t wait to tell you about!

To add, there is an extra special gift just for you. So, be sure to read on so you don’t miss out on this wonderful gift.

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True Quote:

“Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you won’t do anything with it.”


Personal growth is not a rigid concept. It includes self-care too! You definitely need to care for yourself while you are on a mission to grow wise, come back from setbacks and unlock your full potential.

Admittedly, selfcare takes time. But what doesn’t? Valuing yourself also extends to valuing your time and what you do with it.

Therefore, using time to care for yourself speaks loads about your self value. As a matter of fact, like anything else, selfcare techniques and ideas don’t have to be time consuming.

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Samantha Gades on Unsplash

Certainly, a part of valuing your time is knowing how well to use it. These 6 easy self care tips are time efficient, great for you and excellent in the results they produce.

Without further ado, let’s get you up to speed with these easy tips.

Tip #1: Practice Mindfulness

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Jordan Opel on Unsplash

Be here in the now. Sense every fiber of your being and every emotion that you feel. Acknowledge the calm, clear your mind and be at peace – as you live, think and be in the now.

Certainly, life is full of things to think about. So much so, that you can overthink without even realizing you are doing so!

In essence, you unconsciously practice mind fullness (a full, over crowded mind) instead of mindfulness (the state of being present in the here and the now).

Of a fact, meditation can help with mindfulness as they both encourage you to slow down, pause, breathe and just be – for a while.

Assuredly, your mind is an important part of your whole being, and just as how you care for your skin, teeth and vital organs – so too, you ought to care for your mind. The things that occupy your mind and overwhelm you, can be taken one day at a time. Give yourself permission to care for your mind. Mindfulness is a great way to start.

Tip #2: Power Naps Are Good For Self Care

Of a fact, power naps are excellent selfcare activities. They help you to incorporate rest in your daily schedule. Not only that, but power naps give your body and all it’s organs a lovely chance to feel respected, rebooted and ready to operate optimally again.

Unquestionably, these naps do exactly what the name suggests, They power you up to tackle your tasks again.

Ideally, power naps are not long, unlike your usual night’s rest. Instead, power naps are taken between tasks and can last for anywhere between 15 to 60 minutes. They increase your alertness when you wake and can boost your mood.

Seriously, have you ever gone to take a nap after studying, doing a puzzle or trying to figure something out? It’s amazing how when you awake, your brain picks up on clues or memorizes things better.

Think about it, even your phone works better when you turn it off for a while.

Putting aside time, to nap is beneficial for your body’s functioning. It works tremendously well when a good night’s sleep was gained too! That way, your power nap does not substitute for lost sleep – but compliments the sleep you had the night before.

Tip #3: Try This Rejuvenating, Hydrating Avocado Face Mask for Self Care

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avocado face mask
Rooting for Growth

Yipeee!! Let’s be real. This one is a MUST! As I am creating the content for this blog, my face is resting under my avocado face mask and thanking me for the benefits I have seen already!

Try going for twice per week. As the lemon juice my dry out the essential oils on your face if used too often. Although it helps with removing grease and brightening the face, still keep your application moderate.

Get Your Gift Now!

In the mean time, here’s the gift I promised. Your FREE Avocado Face Mask Cheat Sheet for you to get your Avocado Face Mask on!

This Free Cheat Sheet outlines ingredients, preparation, directions and benefits that will help you make your Avocado Face Mask a success!

Claim your FREE GIFT now. Your face will thank you!

Benefits of Avocado Face Mask

Our faces are one of the most personal, delicate and easily noticed places on our bodies. It would make sense then that we care for it well.

One way to do this, is to use face masks (the cosmetic kind of course!) and I highly recommend the Avocado Face Mask.

Sure, the most obvious ingredient is avocado. And you know what? Avocado is packed with natural oil, protein and vitamins that are great for the nourishment of your face!

This is especially great because avocado is a natural fruit – and nature produces wonderful things that are great for us – unlike artificial products that are sometimes more costly than effective.

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Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Admittedly, the avocado face mask has contributed to the moisturization of my face. I would never have believed how effective it’s oil is – if I didn’t try it for myself! This is all to obvious when I rinse the paste from my face and feel the smooth avocado oil seeping into my skin!

Additionally, avocados are mild and provides the perfect base for one’s face mask. It is not at all irritating. Not the effect and certainly not the smell.

You will definitely want to claim your FREE GIFT now, to get all the details on this beauty!

Don’t miss out on this excellent self care regimen.

Tip #4: Engage Your Sense of Smell

white pillar candles on white ceramic holder
Mediamodifier on Unsplash

When was the last time you smelt something so pleasant, you intentionally inhaled, perhaps closed your eyes and smiled?

The power of a good smell right! Don’t underestimate the soothing effect that pleasant smells can have on you.

To add, this can be so fun if you incorporate the right smells at the right time – which is totally dependent on you!

For starters, Scented candles are great for indulging in smells. What’s even better is that there is a vast amount of scents to choose from. Scents to reminisce, pine over or simply, to soothe. You can choose candle colours, smells, designs and so much more RIGHT HERE.

Additionally, being out in nature can be a perfect place to find pleasant smells and sightings too! Think about it, the smell of mint, apple blossoms, ripe fruits! There’s something for everyone!

round orange fruit
Thomas Grubler on Unsplash

What smell will you treat yourself with today?

Tip #5: Exercise!

You don’t NEED a gym membership to get some well needed exercise into your selfcare routine! That would be nice to have though – provided you actually utilize it.

Nonetheless, exercise is great for you and can take the form of purposeful walks and stretches right in the comfort of your home and community.

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The main thing to point out here, is that self care doesn’t only mean resting and slowing down (although that’s great since you may be moving around most of the time). However, exercise can prove helpful and beneficial depending on your purpose for doing so.

Whether you exercise to loose weight, build your body, meditate or just to stay in shape – consider it a great self care activity.

Just ensure you seek advise on what types of exercise are right for you.

Tip #6: Accept Compliments To Help With Self Care!

Furthermore, accepting compliments can help with your self care – and self esteem! Who doesn’t like a kind, genuine compliment.

Indeed, accepting compliments may not be as easy as it sounds. Especially if you are busy trying to decipher if the compliment is genuine or if agreeing and accepting outright, may show signs of arrogance.

News flash, you are worthy of compliments and they are good for you!

So then, accept them gracefully and move on. Ensure that if you decide to return a compliment – that is truthful and not just a conversation technique.

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Jess Bailey on Unsplash

Since compliments are directed to aspects of “you” that are admirable, they can help with how you feel about yourself.

Try compiling all the compliments you receive in a journal, then reflect on them in your quiet time – to get a glimpse of how others see you.

This may be a good activity when you need to affirm your your value in this world. You are amazing!

There You Have it!

6 easy self care ideas with excellent results! Which tip did you like best? By the way, don’t forget to claim your FREE Avocado Face Mask Cheat Sheet.

Also, feel free to stick around, here at Rooting For Growth to learn more about me and how I am committed to helping others unlock new levels of their growing potential.

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