two assorted color padded chairs near side table

50 Random Life Advices You may Really Need

two assorted color padded chairs near side table

Admit it. Its as though someone read your mind. You need some direction; a sign; a solid piece of advice.

But, you are unsure of what exactly you want that advice for or exactly what you need to hear.

Maybe you are hoping to find random life advices you may really need! Something that connects. An ‘aha’ moment.

Its not unusual for persons to feel – blank. Unsure.

As a matter of fact, many persons encounter that feeling when they are either overwhelmed or stuck between making wise choices and avoiding stupid ones.

two yellow and red wooden doors
Robert Anasch

Rest assured, that no one really knows your situation as best as you do.

As a result, its you, who will surely know the best advice when you see it.

Below are some random life advices. Some are completely original, a few are tweaked, while others – I’ve either heard, been given, or seen before.

Take what you need – for whichever area of your life you’ve been concerned about. When you find that random advice, personalize it and grow into your best self.

50 Random Life Advices You may Really Need.

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  • People Inspire you, or they drain you. Pick them wisely.

  • Set goals that you are afraid you may not accomplish. Fear doesn’t mean impossible. Accept the challenge.

  • Your dreams are depending on you. Wake up.

  • Its time you took your power back.

  • Many things are expensive – but you get to decide what’s valuable and worthwhile.

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  • You never waste time waiting on God.

  • When you are at your lowest, after you’ve been higher – your company will change. Keep the people who stick around.

  • Its hard to convince people that you have greatness within you – don’t. They either already know, or shall see.

  • Save before you spend.

  • Please live. Don’t live to please.

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  • Nothing will change for the better unless you do.

  • Knowing is not enough, you must also apply what you know.

  • If you are not intentional about your growth; you’ll end up settling with whatever comes your way.

  • Always be prepared for objections.

  • Sometimes the hardest decisions, are the ones you most need to make.

Related post: Growth Quotes for Daily Inspiration

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  • Don’t rush growing up. Once you come to prime… the next stage is to wither away.

  • One good thing about mistakes – is that you can learn from the ones others make.

  • Relationships are investments. You have to think about the long term value, and not just how it feels right now.

  • Some of the best friendships are the ones built from rock bottom.

  • Before you put your cards on the table, learn the rules of the game.

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  • If you keep doing what is easy, your life will be hard. Challenge yourself to go the extra mile.

  • The day you find yourself; love yourself; and validate yourself – is a defining day in your life.

  • Invest in yourself. Every little bit of self investment compounds – and you’ll see great return.

  • If you are not intentional about your personal growth, your potential will slip away with the passing of time.

  • The people you lead will only get better if you do too!

Related Post: 10 Things you should Know before its too Late

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  • When you are half way up, you are always half way down!

  • Like a good building, a strong foundation is needed for things meant to last.

  • Its better to BE a thing – than to LOOK a thing.

  • Prepare for the things you pray about. That’s one sure sign of belief!

  • Only lend what you are prepared to loose.

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  • The sooner you secure the things that matter; the sooner the things that matter will be secured.

  • People will call you names, what’s important is what you answer to.

  • Every new challenge, introduces you to a part of yourself you never knew before. Challenges help with self-awareness.

  • Good memories are great comforters.

  • How you care for yourself, is how you show others how to care for you.
person holding hands
Matheus Ferrero

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  • Judas wasn’t a stranger nor a distant friend. He was allowed close enough to kiss!

  • Its in places where you are irreplaceable, that you most need to spend your time.

  • Listen past the noise, there lies your answer.

  • To truly love others, you must first love yourself.

  • Gratitude turns a little into a lot. Keep a gratitude perspective and you’ll see!

Related Post: 14 Ways to Enhance Your Self Love

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  • Things aren’t working out well because you are dealing with old problems instead of finding new solutions.

  • Improving yourself is not always comfortable; but it is always profitable.

  • Small minded people, limiting themselves – will want to put the same limits on you.

  • Progress requires risks.

  • The road to success is uphill all the way – and to profit, you have to pay the price, of climbing.
green grass field near mountain under white sky during daytime
Sam Chang

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  • If you create illusions and ignore the red flags, you might as well prepare to live a lie.

  • There is a fine hour for everyone. Some people are unprepared when that fine hour comes tapping on their shoulder. Others do a little each day to prepare themselves for when that fine hour arrives.

  • Like good food, your body needs good content, associations and investments.

  • Define yourself based on your values, not your positions and credentials.

  • When you feel stuck, think of all the things you now have that you used to be in need of.

There you have it!

50 Random Life Advices you may really need!

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Would you care to leave a comment about which advice resonated with you?

Remember, you know your situation best. So you are most suited to identify the advice most appealing to you. Take it. Personalize it. Grow from it.

Best of luck with your decision makings.


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