focus photo of yellow paper near trash can

5 Ways to Feel Worthwhile when you Feel Trashy

focus photo of yellow paper near trash can

Its no use lying to yourself; putting on a show and ignoring moments when you feel like trash. There, I said it. And you know what? It’s a real feeling. Admit it. However, this post will help you clean up those trashy feelings when they arise. With these 5 Ways to Feel Worthwhile when you Feel Trashy, you’ll certainly clean up nicely – feeling, and looking sharp in no time.

Let’s face face it. Sometimes confidence dwindles and you feel small. It takes more than a new suit or even make up to take the trashy feeling away and restore the worth that has taken a back seat. Its no surprise that you’re not alone in this. Many people start feeling trashy and less worthwhile for a myriad of reasons:

  • Major or even minor embarrassments;
  • Constant setbacks and failures;
  • Making mistakes that cost big time;
  • Stuck in a rut and experiencing uncertainty about life and decisions;
  • Comparing lifestyles and drowning in pity;
  • Comparing talents, abilities and achievements;
  • Ignoring values, standards and worth;
  • Being treated unfairly or taken advantage of etc.

Frankly speaking, one or even more of these situations (and many others) may arise in your life at any time. This post isn’t here to tell you that you will never feel trashy – instead, it certainly will help you to deal with it and overcome it too!

5 Ways to Feel Worthwhile when you Feel Trashy

1. Go Back to the ‘Drawing Board’

Okay it happened. Whatever it was. And you know what? You feel hurt and you feel trashy. The bar isn’t the best place for you right now. Neither is social media (to go venting or scrolling aimlessly for comfort). Where you need to go – is back to the drawing board.

Yes, back to square one where you can find yourself again and craft a strategy to shake off the trash and put on your worthwhile armour.

Related Post: How to Comeback from Setbacks

In ‘going back to the drawing board’ you assess the whole situation; bearing in mind that life throws blows and you have to keep going. Its like football movies, where you see coaches and their teams reviewing tapes to see where they went wrong or what their weak spots are.

If you never reflect/review or ‘go back to the drawing board’, you run the risk of going back on the field unaware, unarmed and more likely to be struck again without knowing what’s even causing the blows.

To add, going back to the drawing board helps you process not just what happened, or what caused you to feel small. It also helps you assess how you really feel about what caused you to feel trashy.

That’s takes us to the next point.

2. Embrace Feeling Vulnerable

Its important to acknowledge your emotions. To name them and know how each disturbs you (in the case of feeling trashy).

When you do this, you give yourself permission to feel and to embrace the feeling of vulnerability. There’s a reason why many persons run away from even the idea of saying how they feel and processing those emotions.

Its because this process makes us feel weak, small and exposes the ‘softy’ inside. As a matter of fact, some persons may even feel trashy for being vulnerable! Make no mistake though – that is one thing you shouldn’t feel trashy about. It takes strong people who are in tune with themselves and emotions to acknowledge and process each emotion in a heathy way.

Basically, it is a necessary part of shaking the trashy feeling and restoring the feeling of being worthwhile. An important factor, is who you become vulnerable around with these emotions and what you do with these emotions. Some persons may make you feel bad for being vulnerable with your feelings, while others will re-assure you that feeling vulnerable is okay. Channel it in healthy ways.

When that’s out the way, you will be so much stronger and patient with yourself. These are great factors for re-establishing your value and your worth.

3. Drink Water and Eat Well when feeling Trashy

Hardly, does anyone who feels trashy grabs vegetables, fruits or even water to feed their bodies. They may immediately go for ‘comfort foods’. These can be anything – but healthy. Some ice-cream maybe, or some greasy fries or ‘something strong’ to drink.

First, the mind was feeling trashy and now the body has joined the bin -ge.

In moments when you feel trashy, try as best as possible to feed the body with caring, healthy foods. You’ll confuse the mind as it craves for trashy foods. Soon, it will begin to process healthy thoughts and literally start feeding on healthy energy too.

4. Remember Your Value & Worth

On your Mark. Mindset. Growth! is a post that expressed the importance of conditioning the mind for growth by valuing oneself.

When you have conditioned your mind to know and believe the value and self-worth that you hold – then remembering it will be a great move when feeling trashy.

As stated earlier, this article is not here to tell you that you will never feel trashy. In fact, you’ll have plenty other feelings throughout your lifetime that challenges the happiness you seek daily.

Fortunately, when you remember your value and worth, the game changes!

5. Indulge in Self Care when Feeling Trashy

In the first place, when you feel trashy, your entire being may feel rejected, unworthy and tensed. What better way to practically and physically re-establish worth – than to indulge in some self care activities?

You can keep things simple, yet effective, by:

  1. Soaking your feet in some warm water;
  2. Repeating your affirmations or listening to them;
  3. Taking power naps;
  4. Styling your hair in a way that makes you feel great about yourself;
  5. Grooming (nails, skin (moisturizing), beard,) etc.
  6. Watching your favourite movies, music videos;
  7. Spending time with people who motivate and inspire you.

As you may notice, there is a blend of self care activities that work directly on the external you – and suggestions that clean you up internally too. That’s always a good approach to take when indulging in self care, especially when you want to feel worthwhile again. Worth isn’t only what’s on the outside. Its what’s on the inside too!

See link to “70 You Are Worthy Quotes” below!

There you have it, 5 Ways to Feel Worthwhile when you Feel Trashy.

love your life clipboard decor
Photo by Natasha Fernandez on

“Do not speak badly of yourself, for the warrior that is inside you hears your words and is lessened by them. You are strong and you are brave. There is a nobility of spirit within you, let it grow.”

David Gemmel

For “70 You Are Worthy Quotes To Know Your Worth”

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