businesswoman holding a glass of whiskey while on a private jet

3 Amazing Benefits of Keeping A Low Profile

businesswoman holding a glass of whiskey while on a private jet

You may seem like the odd one out – perhaps in fact you are! In a good way though. Plenty people these days strive on interactions behind highlight reels and making announcements to their concocted communities of likers, followers, viewers and commenters. Its a good life, they may believe. Showing and telling even the last meal they purchased at a restaurant they didn’t like, but thought it was fancy to flaunt anyway. Nothing low profile about that.

While that kind of lifestyle is certainly theirs to decide, it is equally true that those who choose to stay low key and live a more private life is well within their rights too.

But why would anyone decide on the latter? After all, some persons mistake it for being boring, not getting out much or haven’t levelled up to certain popular tastes. This is where they are mistaken. On the contrary, people who choose to stay low key tend to LIVE and EXPERIENCE every bit of their lives fully and intentionally. They CHOOSE however, not to put it ALL on display.

Let me be vague (wink, wink,) in the last few days, I’ve made solid moves that netizens (people who live on the internet) would go wild about. They’d flood me with heart emojis and “yeeesss girrll” comments followed by dancing emojis. However, that is FAR from any kind of validation and cheerleading I want in my life.

Besides, its more fun to achieve more and announce less. You should see the article I wrote on that.

So what are the benefits of keeping a low profile you may ask…

You’ll Keep Jealous and Inquisitive People in Check

Sounds harsh… but hey, there’s no time to play nice. Nice doesn’t get you anywhere. Be bold and brave instead.

People are naturally curious. On top of that, few have the tact to refrain from prying and even fewer are really ever genuinely happy for your achievements and levelling ups.

It takes a wise and decent person to acknowledge within themselves that certain successes of another, may be something they want or are aiming for, so they might feel a tinge of healthy jealousy…but never a cruel amount to become bitter and cynical.

Keeping a low profile…

Either way, to ward off these things or to at least minimize them… keep a low profile. Flaunt nothing. Flash nothing.

And when the inquisitive intruders strike, say little. Never give too much of yourself away in conversations (nor in your articles if you are a fellow blogger) People may find and scour your blog for details too. Ha Ha :). Withhold plenty, so as to avoid jealousy and also to avoid falling bait to those who scour for information, with no sensitivity, boundaries nor tact.

Low Profile: Scarcity is a Good Sacrifice

Economics teaches us, that when things are scarce, they are more valued and expensive too. This principle seems to have found its fit nicely with the decision to maintain a low key life. People make an effort to listen when you speak, especially if you decide to say a bit about yourself or what’s happening in your life. They truly listen, so as to uncover or to avoid not hearing any bit of that valuable information.

Do you know why? Because they won’t be able to hop on to your social media handles to find it later. There’s no need to showcase life on social media. They won’t be able to sit with others and get the facts later. They don’t want to risk the actual details for hearsays nor suppositions.

Good job, who has the interesting life now?

This scarcity though is a sacrifice. You may sacrifice gatherings all together or limit them. That’s not such a bad thing anyway. Perhaps the drawback with this, is being in the spotlight (even if its by being side eyed) when you do get out. For people who intentionally decide to stay low key…spot lights are the furthest things from their mind.

Not to worry though, as the scarcity helps to preserve your energy, limit distractors and gives you sufficient time to actually work on YOU.

Related Post: 10 Life Hacks For Personal Growth

Keeping a Low Profile Helps to Manage Expectations

People and their expectations… of you. Marriage, children, houses, cars, career you name it. They want to see it all on THEIR OWN TIMING. Confuse them with your low key life. They want something to do? Fine. Let them go figure it all out on their own. Because certainly, you won’t be providing them that information…unless you choose to.

It seems like there is no boundary in the minds of some. So you may have to erect those boundaries to their faces. If being private and low key isn’t an obvious line, then saying out loud ‘I do not wish to discuss that (with you)’ may be a harsh stance you need to take.

Be honest, have you ever had people ask you questions about if you’ll be doing this or whether you have done that or when you plan to do this or that? Depending on who is doing the asking and in what context…this can be an ugly little monologue. I say monologue because as far as I’m concerned they’ll be talking to themselves if those questions come at an inappropriate time or feel too prying.

When you keep a low profile, you simply say “this is private, if I wanted it to be an open book, I wouldn’t be private about it.”

Don’t mistake being private and low key for hiding away though. The latter sings fear. The former is confidence, with the decision to choose, the bravery to decide with whom you share what with and when.

Related Post: No Social Media for 5 Months: 50 Things Learnt

Final Thoughts on Keeping a Low Profile

You get to choose what you want to be low key and private about. There’s no way I’m going to be low key about helping people to enhance their growing potential. This is a passion that brings me immense joy.

Likewise, you may choose to share aspects of your life that you have no issues sharing publicly.

There is no rebuttal though, that leading a low key life has amazing benefits. Its then up to you, to draw the line.

Where you draw your line, is entirely your business, just as how where I draw the line – is entirely my own.

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