10 Things Smart People Are Doing Before The New Year

The Year is ending Soon!

Certainly, you must be grateful to have made it this far in the year! And while many are looking forward to the New Year and what it will bring – many others are still doing some things to close the year right.

Before you go on to reading Smart Ways to Level up this New Year, you surely should see these 10 Things Smart People Are Doing Before The Year Ends.

Use the remaining days to do these 10 things that will position your life on better standings for the up coming year and beyond.

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Number 1: Know the answer to “Who am I?”

You would be surprised how many persons are stomped when asked who they are.

They either repeat the question coyly with eyes wandering aimlessly or begin on the spot to question themselves. Who am I?

Spoiler alert, your name, age, height, occupation, number of siblings, pets or children is by no means an invalid answer. However, such a question calls for a bit more searching within yourself.

Ideally, what are your zealous about? What are your values?

What projects are you working on that make your eyes light up? Why is it important to you?

Should you snooze your alarm, what would you suddenly remember that would propel you from your slumber? Who do you inspire? Who inspires you? Why?

This is who I am
Felicia Buitenwerf on Unsplash

Certainly, all this is part of who you are. What you stand for. What you associate with.

This not only helps interviewers, dating interests and new friends to figure out who you are, but affirms you, that you are in tune with YOU and subsequently…know what serves you and what does not.

Number 2: Do a Social Media Analysis/Edit

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I am not deducing that your posts and engagements are ill. That’s for you to decide.

Nonetheless, you need to optimize. Check to see if you are using the updated versions of the social media apps you use.

Of a fact, sometimes the slow and faulty experiences you have, are as a result of outdated apps. 

white samsung galaxy smartphone showing icons

Also, ensure that you have all the social media apps that serve your interests, profession and skills. Trade them for the ones that do not.

Related post: 50 Things I learnt After Deleting Social Media for 5 Months

Ideally, if you love learning new crafts and life hacks, then you should already have YouTube and Pinterest. There’s more than a generous amount of content on these spaces to help you with those hobbies.

Similarly, if you are in a job seeking phase or just want to establish your professional connection, then LinkedIn is an ideal space to explore.

Next, do some editing if necessary. Maybe the last time you edited your social media profiles (particularly LinkedIn) you were a junior, and presently, you have been promoted. Allow your preferred social media platforms to reflect this.

Likewise, you may want to edit your social media following. This doesn’t only mean the amount of followers but also the quality of followers.

Related post: LinkedIn Secrets for a Stand-out Profile

In essence, the impact and influence they have on you. Let’s say you are interested in building bird houses for the upcoming year and beyond.

It makes sense then that you may want to follow other individuals/accounts doing this craft and possibly dropping tips on how to do it well.

Ideally, take into account the impact your following have on you and whether you want that sort of impact going into the new year.

Number 3: De-Clutter and organize Your Devices

macbook pro on white table

Are you one of those persons who have an excessive amount of screenshots on your phone? Chances are, you’ll need space for more!

The truth is, sometimes the screenshot was intended to be revisited at a later date, something you thought at the time was truly useful. How many have you revisited?

Not only that, but you may have hundreds of photos and gifs you don’t need anymore!

So then, browse through your phone’s gallery and delete images and gifs that you no longer need. Some, you didn’t even know you had! Talk about group chats!

Be careful though, not to get caught up reminiscing on old photos. If you think you will, start this exercise early.

Additionally, you can search for those WhatsApp groups that have only you as member! When did everyone else leave? You can also delete those groups that don’t serve you any longer.

This isn’t a burning bridges tutorial now…some groups may have been created for a task that is long gone and is just taking up space now. If necessary, acknowledge to the other members that you’ll be leaving, exit and delete.

What do you think about arranging your songs…into categories/playlists?

silver iphone 6 on brown wooden table
Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

That would save you time when searching for particular music and would also spare you the dangerous leap on Sunday when a hardcore dancehall song graces the audience you were blessing with the sweet tones of gospel. 

To add, if you enjoy changing screen savers, lock screens and profile pictures, now would be a good time to consider even, what your replacement will be.

Number 4: Revisit Your Resume and Cover Letter

white printer paper on macbook pro

Whether you have job security or not, whether you received a job proposal or not, re-visit you resume and cover letter. Who knows, maybe your format is outdated, or simply, unappealing.

Also, maybe by now you have decided if you will use a colon or a comma after the greetings in your cover letter. 🙂 preparing for the professional world doesn’t have to be something you leave for New Year. Do it now. Let the New Year catch you READY!

On a more serious note though, personal growth is imperative. You must keep reflecting on and assessing your character, skills and interests.

Is there something new that you have participated in, in the past months? Any skills you have acquired? Have you gained experience from a new role?

Of a fact, all this growth, care how small – helps to polish your resume. Re-visiting your resume and cover letter can also mean editing double words, grammar and even fonts.

Share with a trusted friend or family member to assist you with the process of getting it up to par. It doesn’t hurt to do so now. Spare yourself the anxiety and rush when the appointed time arises.

Number 5: Get Your Finances In Order

Financial Foundation Pyramid

As you can see, the Financial Foundation Pyramid gives us a visual of what it means to get our finances in order. At the very base, there is protection. This refers to your insurances. Life, health, disability, travel insurance etc.

What’s the use, walking around like immortals with no insurance, only to be significantly displaced by unforeseen risks with no assurance of indemnity or substantial financial aid? 

Following that, there is debt management. There are many among us who are debt free and we shouldn’t envy them. There is significant amount of discipline that comes with that.

However, if you are indeed indebted whether by student loans, car loans, credit card loans, mortgages etc. Now, more that ever is a good time to get your finances in order…so other people and organizations can get theirs in order too!

person sitting on chair holding iPad
Photo by Adeolu Eletu on Unsplash

Next, close to the top of the pyramid is emergency fund. What’s the sense just having a savings account without the other elements of the pyramid?

What that means is that you will deplete your savings for health reasons that health insurance would have taken care of. You will also turn to your savings to pay debt and for emergencies.

Consequently, you will have no savings and possibly there wasn’t even enough to take care of the complications. Thus, having things separate helps. Emergency fund for emergencies. Savings for vacations or your preferred reason for saving.

What I’m saying is – work on getting these areas of your finances in order, if they aren’t already. It may not happen in one go, but a work in progress is better than no work at all.

four Indian rupee banknotes

Following that, at the top is investment. The star represents financial freedom. This is where a lot of people want to be. So much so, that they turn the triangle upside down! That’s a disaster in the making!

Here, (investments) your money works even as you sleep. Assets are the order of the day and financial freedom tastes great. 

A part of getting your finances in order includes getting financially educated too. Not in terms of x = y. Rather, how to kick start your financial foundation pyramid from the base up.

Number 6: Seek out Extra-Curricular Activities

Generally speaking, this isn’t just for students. Adults too can get engaged in associations related to their professions and hobbies.

Consequently, you may be exposed to social events, skills building and feel as though you are part of a community of like minded individuals.

There are a plethora of clubs and other social groups that one can associate themselves with based on values, talents and interests.

Some people even get into groups where other individuals are faced with similar health conditions as their own. This offers them support and and a community that’s sensitive to their needs.

group of people sitting on bench near trees duting daytime

Do not take for granted the saying “I am busy”. We all make time for what we want and excuses for what we do not want so much. If you need a break, take it. It is one of the 5 things you should never feel guilt about.

Otherwise, if there is nothing that grabs your interest, create something. Who knows, maybe others will join you.

School to home. Work to home. Work to school to home. Home to home, whichever combination resonates with you…is not enough.

Surely, it may be in your comfort zone but your talents, potential and ultimate purpose need more stretching and challenges. A ship is safe at harbour, but that isn’t where it was built for. Go sail!

Number 7: Live More out of Intent, Habit and Custom

Story goes, our brain remembers all our habits and executes them well. So, they stay with us and are hard to break. It’s like wearing 20% of your clothes 80% of the time.

For some persons, they have a habit of frying an egg and cuddling it between slices of bread and that’s that. What if they make a conscious effort to add lettuce to the shopping list?

Or, if they decided to scramble with tomatoes. That would be a whole new experience and the mundane meal would transform into an anticipated delight!

Similarly, sticking to something may mean loyalty to brand and signature. While for others, it really is just a habit that they’d be willing to change.

When we live more out of intent, we live in the moment and sometimes our experiences are better. Don’t stay bogged down by how something have always been done. If that was a law, even the law would cease to serve its purpose.

Number 8: Be your Biggest Fan and your Most Animated Cheerleader

women in white and red uniform dancing on stage during daytime
Photo by Rojan Maharjan on Unsplash

We must understand, even our best friends and truest support systems inhale and exhale too.

Resultingly, they lead separate lives and may not always be the zest of energy and “go ahead” we need – ALL the time. Even if they are ALWAYS there, they may not always be fired up 100% of the time.

So then, start honing the skill of setting yourself into motion and learning to muster the ability to cheer yourself on.

Of a fact, you will need this when the weirdest, riskiest or otherwise simple ideas are conceived in your thoughts and you need to validate them. You will also need this when you start a project with all the motivation you amassed only to find it dwindling at a crucial point.

It is wise to cherish your cheerleaders and rely on them for sure. However, consider their capacity and how much better it would be if you helped with cheering yourself on too.

Number 9: Who will you Help Climb Up the Ladder?

Sure, the universe is conspiring to bless you abundantly and cause you to succeed in all that you do. Prosperity, new and wonderful beginnings are aiming their bows at you.

When you’re done claiming that, consider this…

Who will you help climb up the ladder? The season of giving and goodwill is everyday.

The smallest acts of kindness has helped YOU at some time or another in your life thus far. It may be the turning point in another’s life just the same.

Consider your time, talents, resources, wisdom etc. how can it be of impact and to who? Avoid the urge to sit a top the ladder looking down with spite or even selfishness. Avoid kicking it down too, as you may have to venture down.

Number 10: Reflect on the Winding Year

Businesses are reviewing their strategies, parliaments, their approaches.

In every sector, in every home, some reflection will be taking place. It would be an injustice to yourself not to reflect as well.

There are goals you have, constructions to complete, worthwhile decisions you made, some bitter-sweet.

Whatever the winding year brought you. Whatever lacking it highlighted. Take a look back. Month by month if possible. What were your highlights? What lessons did you learn? What lessons did you forget?

How will you proceed?

The winding year is closing in on us and we are not sure what the face of the coming one looks like.

Truly, my hope is that we will see it not as a start over of our lives but actually a blessing to continue it differently. A blessing to go after another level of our potentials.

Reflection helps you to do just that. The Law of Reflection tells us, that learning to pause, allows growth to catch up with us.


Don’t forget to read, Smart Ways To Level Up for the New Year!

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Have an awesome rest of the year, and Happy New Year when it comes!


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